Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

Every single particle in the universe has pair as the anti-particle except photon, and the question is: is the antiphoton also existed?

Almost every single particle in the universe has a pair. That pair is the anti-particle. Only photons have not noticed to have this kind of pair. Electrons antiparticle is positron, what has the same role in the world of antimatter what electrons have in regular material. The protons pair in antimatter is antiproton and neutrons pair is antineutron. The last one just rotates in the opposite direction than"normal" neutron.

And this thing has brought in my mind one very interesting question about particles. This thing is, is it possible that also photon has a pair in the group of antiparticles? Could there be possible to find anti-light in the universe?  Photon is the particle what forms the light, and this thing makes it a very special thing because it's only known particle, what can reach the speed of light.

When particle pairs like electron and positron would touch together, this thing causes very high energy reactions, what is called as the annihilation. This reaction is one type of lightning, which is released because the charges or polarities of those particles are neutralizing. Because every known particle or at least stable particles have pair, what is an anti version of this particle like an electron has anti-version the positron, the question is can the photon has the anti pair?

But what kind of thing would be the antiphoton? This thing is connected to the one theoretical particle, what is known as "Tachyon". This hypothetical particle could travel faster than light, and if there is a possibility to create "Tachyon" artificially, those particles could revolutionize the space travel, but only in the case that those particles exist. The reason why those particles have been believed is the theory that they are simply too fast to react with other particles.

This is one version of the explanation, why we cannot observe or capture those particles, what might be extremely lightweight, but at the same time very high-energy particles. In those theories, tachyons would be transferrer particles as another hypothetical particle what is called as the graviton. The graviton would take so-called fiber to the target, and then gravity would pull the particles together with structures, what are called as super springs.

Those energy formations would form the things like quarks, and the idea would be that the tachyon would act like the graviton, but the influence of that particle would happen between the dark matter or dark particles.  But why some engineers and researchers are interesting about the tachyons. The idea would be using tachyon as the propellant for the rocket engines because the rockets cannot travel faster than their exhaust gasses.

So if the exhaust gas would reach the speed of light the spacecraft would also reach that speed. This is why the scientists are interested in things like the photon rocket. The thrust of those machines would be extremely weak, and if this solution is wanted to use, the acceleration for the speed of light should use some other kinds of engines. The antimatter engine would be a very interesting solution. But if we would like to create a rocket, what will cross the speed of light we should create the new type of technology. And the success of those systems is not sure.

The thing what we should keep in mind when we are thinking about the ultimate spacecraft, what would take sometimes people to the other star systems is that the technology, what will be used in those missions is only theoretical level. And if we would create something like WARP or photon rocket, we must realize that this kind of systems is the most interesting, but in the same way dangerous. If something goes wrong, the best thing what we can hope is that the craft would not move.

But then the scenario, what we can face is that the antimatter would explode near the sun. If we think the situation that the about 100 grams of antimatter impact the sun or some planet, that would cause terrifying detonation and impulses, what might affect the entire solar system. One gram of antimatter would destroy the entire Earth and transform our home planet as the interplanetary nebula.

So the one hundred grams would have one hundred times bigger effect than one gram of that material, and that mass could destroy even entire Jupiter. When we would return to the hypothetical particle antiphoton, we might think that if that particle would annihilate with the photon, would that impact release the tachyon beam, what will work like any other propellant in the spacecraft.

So the antiphoton would be like anti-light. Something, what people would think one of the most fantastic versions of dark matter. When the photon would impact with anti photon it would create tachyons or gravitons, what might be the same particles. But we ever have seen one single tachyon or either graviton.

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