Monday, August 19, 2019

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines.

New kind of magnetic layers would allow making new kind of nanomachines. 

One of the most interesting ideas of nanotechnology is the device, what bases the similar technology, what is used in LCD or flat screens. On the screen is a layer, what is equipped small size magnets, what would create the physical image on this layer. The idea is that the physical form would be created by small electric magnets that are installed on the layer, and this screen would move magnetized dust on it. That kind of system makes possible to create forms by simply drawing them. The system would work that the drawer just draws the image on the screen.

And then the electricity would be connected to the layer, and after that, the image would be forming by the dust, what is on this system. This kind of systems might be used to create things like microchips, and other electric circuits. The person who makes those things would just draw the image, and then put the dust, what reacts to the magnet field on the layer, and then the magnets what have used the same form with pixels on the computer screen would activate. After the dust is forming the wanted image, the system might glue those particles together.

But when we are thinking the use of this kind of systems in other purposes, we would think the cases, where the bacteria or some cells must be grown on a certain form. The system would use the small bites, what are looking at miniaturized channel, and then on those extremely small channels would put the bacteria, what starts to grow in the right direction. This would allow creating a new type of biological batteries, where bacteria are creating electricity.

And the question is, where that kind of systems are needed? The thing is that nano-sized submarines, what are used to observe the human body would use those bacteria as the power source. The nano-subs are needed very small-sized batteries, that they could operate independently.

Those systems can also use external power sources like radio waves, but the problem is that the long-term being in the influence of the high-power radio waves would not be healthy. There are two ways to use bacteria as a power source. One is that the electricity, what the bacteria is itself creating when those cells would put between electrodes, what conduct the electricity to nano-sized microchips.

The second method would be to use the bioluminescence of bacteria. In that system, the bacteria would send the light to the very small photocell, which will deliver electricity to the electric system of the nano-submarine or extremely small computers. The problem of those ways to create electricity is that if the bacteria would accidentally deliver to the human body, that thing might cause infection. The extremely small machines need extremely small power sources.

Making chemical batteries what are smaller than bacteria is difficult, and the problem is that they are so short living. So if we would create extremely small machines and microchips, we must make new kind of solutions for production. That thing is that if the system would get too much electricity, the small, molecular or even atom-sized connections in the machines or microchips can be melted, and that thing causes the need to use so-called "bioelectricity" for creating energy for that kind of system, what are the smallest machines, what mankind has ever created.

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