Sunday, August 18, 2019

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Is the story of Atlantis only the ancient SciFi tale? And could it be possible that Plato's home language other than Greek?

Is so-called "real philosopher" person, who has lived in ancient Greece, and write nice texts about the people, who have sitting in the cave all their lives. When we are thinking the difference of the book writer philosopher, we must realize, that the knowledge and way to get information is a little bit different in the modern life than in the time of Plato.

And that makes philosopher of the modern time a little bit different than some ancient Greek master, whose writings and stories would repeat again and again through the millenniums. Maybe some modern philosophers would be found the millenniums later when their texts would be found from some database of the Internet. Maybe that thing happens, when the data of the Internet would transfer to quantum computers.

When we are thinking about persons like Plato and Aristotle, we must realize that would it be possible that those persons were so-called "ordinary storytellers" in their lifetime. If we would think writings, what are consist of things like Atlantean story, we might think that Plato wrote the SciFi novel of the city, which was very powerful and advancing. But what sunk in the waves.

We don't know did Plato knew some words, what are in common use in modern language. And one of those words is "memory". Is it possible that Plato just didn't know that word, because he didn't have school-type education? Maybe he replaced the word "memory" by using the word "water". And "city, what lost below the waves" would just mean "forgotten city". This thing would tell one thing, what we have ever thought before, and that thing is that was the home language of that philosopher some other than Greek? But this is only the hypothesis about the strange words.

Maybe the idea of that story was given to Plato the destruction of the lost culture of Crete. The ruins of that civilization are in the coastline of the Crete, what might mean that the Minoan culture would just come to that island when the eruption of Santorini or some other volcano just whip that culture away.

The thing is that the eruption of Santorini Island would destroy even the large city, and then Plato used that happening as the source when he created a story of Atlantis. And in some stories, some other storyteller has created topics that the spirits of ancient Atlanteans would still live in the caves of the sunken city.

But Plato didn't mention, where the Atlantis was sunken and was that thing where the city was lost water, volcanic ash or lava? I don't know what kind of education was in the time of Plato, but sometimes I have wondered, was he knew the things like volcanic ash or lava? Today many people see those things on the television or the internet, and we all know what those things are. But did Plato knew those words?

Or was he even see the erupting volcano in his life? If he traveled around the Mediterranean as he claimed, there is a possibility, that he has ever seen a single eruption or probably he didn't know the words like volcanic action. There is also the possibility to think that Plato just didn't know the words like lava. Or maybe somebody else has been written some of the texts, what is believed to made by Plato.

There is a possibility that there was more than one man who used the name "Plato", which is very easy to write and remember. Of course, Plato could change the word "lava" to the "water", because the person, who he told about the tale of the Atlantis because the opponent would nor know what "lava" means.

And when we are thinking about that Plato heard that famous story from some Egyptian priest would be the product of imagination. Plato didn't mention where and when he heard that story. There is a possibility, that he heard it at a very young age. The other version would be that he spent the night in the temple, and eavesdrop the discussion between two or more priests.

That thing could cause problems for him, and that's why he wrote that thing a long time after that happening. Or maybe Egyptian priest was away from the home at some Greek city and told that story to Plato, maybe after drinking too much wine. Or there is the change that Plato heard that story from some Egyptian sailor, who has claimed to hear that thing from the Egyptian priest.

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