Thursday, August 15, 2019

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

Magnetars, neutron stars, what have an extremely powerful magnetic field.

At the beginning I must say that there could be many explanations for magnetars, the neutron stars, what are sending soft gamma- and X-ray radiation. And those objects are also giving information about the forming the black holes. There is a possibility, that also white dwarfs and neutron stars can transforming to black holes.

The image of a black hole is extremely interesting because it shows where the material will be pulled in the black hole. If the track what material follows is similar, with the material, what drops to neutron stars and forming the pulsar, it would tell that the black holes are also accelerating material to very high speed, but also tells, that does the all pulling the material limited in the transition disk? So does the black hole pull the material inside it only in a certain area, what is the equator, or the area what is between the poles of black holes?

And it tells about the magnet fields of the black holes. The thing why this is conducting with white dwarfs and neutron stars is that if another part of the double star is a white dwarf or neutron star, it would transform to the black hole and during that transformation process the high level of X-ray and gamma-ray radiation would send to universe.

There are two ways to forming the black holes. The first one is that when the heavy and large star explodes as the supernova, it would turn to black hole immediately. That would be called as the fast process. But the slow process is that the white dwarf would increase its mass, that it would collapse in stages to a black hole, and this version is that the increasing mass would transform the star to neutron star, then to quark stars and the final collapse would turn the quark star to a black hole. 

If magnetar would not transforming to the black hole, it would just vaporize in the powerful and violent eruptions. So the lifetime of magnetars is the only couple of ten thousand years. There are other explanations for this violent phenomenon, and one is that magnetar is the neutron star, what is collided with a black hole or quark star, or maybe magnetar is the quark star itself. That means that the small black hole cannot break the extreme stiff neutron or quark wicket, which means that it cannot pull that object in it, and that causes an extremely powerful magnetic eruption.

The thing is that the magnetars could be the neutron stars, what is transforming to quark stars, and that collapse or transformation process, where neutrons are giving up to gravity, and during that process star would send the gamma-ray bursts.  So if we think carefully the double stars like Sirius, where the second part is the white dwarf would cause that the mass of the white dwarf is increasing and the process, where the white dwarf is transforming to a black hole is in running right now.

When we are thinking about things like magnetars, the extreme neutron stars, what have the magnet field, which is a thousand times more powerful than normal neutron stars, we are facing the neutron star, what is collapsing to the black hole. The extreme powerful magnet field and violent eruptions of this object means that the neutrons, what are forming neutron star are starting to give up for the gravity, what is increasing, because the material, what is falling to surface of the neutron star is leaving on the surface, and increase the mass of this star.

At least even neutrons cannot resist the gravity, and the star is turning to the grey hole or quark star, and sooner or later the gravity would increase to level, where even the light cannot escape from the star. So if we think the advancing the star after the nova- or supernova eruption, the white dwarf can also advance to the neutron star, and then through the stage oof quark star to the black hole.  

That happens because the white dwarf is pulling material to its surface, and that would start the process, where the gravity will sooner or later turn the star to a black hole. Before the black hole is forming, the star drops in the limbo, where the escape velocity from its surface is the same with the speed of the light, and at this moment the black hole would pull everything into it, and then it will collapse to the black hole.

And another thing in the black hole is when the neutron star is turning to the black hole, it would turn to dimmer and dimmer, what means that the gravity field would drop more and more light inside it. At first, the photons, what are coming straight to the surface cannot snap back to space, but then the photons that are traveling through the star start to drop on the surface of the star, and then it would transform to the black hole.

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