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The planet hunter's problem

The planet hunter's problem

Planet hunting is the thing, what might help humans to find another civilization, and that is the thing, what makes this science so interesting. And the planet hunters have many problems in their work, and one is that the stars, what is capable to have the planet, what have similar lifeforms with Earth are quite bright. The reason, why we are looking for similar lifeforms is that those aliens could communicate with us easily if they have a similar form as we have, but the thing is that even if those hypothetical humanoids are looking like us, they might not be like us.

The problem is that we cannot even think where to find those humanoids. We don't have a single observation of the other planets, what are in the habitable zone near the star, what is like our sun. If humanoids would be different than we are, we might not understand them, if they would even want to make contact. Or if they would be similar to us, there is a possibility, that they could be hostile.

In some theories, the humanoids could even act here as European colonialists act in South-America and Polynesia. But we don't have a single officially confirmed attempts to be contacted by aliens, and if we would someday get a message from the other civilization, we must think very carefully, what we will do? Do we answer or play def? And who we would inform at that moment?

Would it be the President Of The United States or would it be the general secretary of the United Nations? And should we tell that thing to a great audience, and how we would guarantee, that some people would not send some "practical joke" to those hypothetical humanoids. And the thing is that every astronomer would want to find another civilization, but at the same time, the thing causes horrible visions about this kind of scenarios.

What if humanoids would take Earth under their control and start to use humans as cattle. Or what if the humanoids would use our planet as the zoo, where other species could observe primitive life forms. That scenario introduced on the Internet, and that brings interesting things in the mind.

The bright star blinds the telescopes when they are searching planets, and if the Earth-sized planet travels at the front of the bright star, the changes of the brightness of that star are so minimum, that it is difficult to notice. The artificial intelligence might search for the planet by observing the changes of brightness, and then if the changes of brightness have sequences, that thing tells, that there is the orbiting planet in that solar system.

That is a thing, what would be a problem if the star is like our sun. If we think about the planet, what has a similar atmosphere with Earth, the orbiting time would be quite long and finding those changes of brightness would need very intensive search and observations of that star, and when the star is very big, there would not be any changes in its trajectory, when it travels through galaxy. This is the reason, why we have found many solar systems what are orbiting the red dwarfs, but we have problems to find planets in the near of the yellow stars.

The solar systems would not cause errors in the specific movement of the star, and that's why we have problems to choose targets for intensive observations. When we are thinking, what we should find near those stars, we must find so-called "favorable Jupiter". That means that if we are looking for small planets near some star, we must find a bigger planet, calculate its mass, and then start to search other planets in the distance of Kepler's radius.

The thing is that we should not look for the copy of Jupiter and if the mass of the planet is two times Jupiter's mass, the distance of the planet must be two times of the distance of Jupiter if we would think, that it might have the same effect, what the Jupiter has in our solar system. And in fact, the red dwarf or some other star would act as the "favorable Jupiter" in that solar system. The planets would form in the Kepler's radius or Lagrange points between the star and "favorable Jupiter".

And at the first is forming a planet, which makes two other Kepler's radius to the star and the "favorable Jupiter. The forming of the solar system is not so easy to explain. And the stars can also pull or rob the planets from other solar systems, while they pass each other. But the "favorable Jupiter", what might be the brown dwarf is telling that there could be planets in that solar system because the object would not send light all the time.

But if that massive object is too heavy, it can turn the entire solar system to orbit it. And this thing has caused the idea of "Pandora", the Earth-size moon, what might orbit some brown dwarf in the habitable zone. But this thing is the topic of some other writing. Here I just wanted to tell, that also the moons of the planets might have living habitats.

If we would find that kind of moon, we might be closer to find another intelligent civilization. But the thing is that if we would find it someday, the Earth would not be the same place anymore. And that thing could be the threat and opportunity at the same time. But the thing is that we should search that species very careful because the situation would turn dangerous.


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