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The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The sharpest clock in the world has been activated

The sharpest clock in the world is the thing, what might be called the "time probe". Absolute stable conditions and minimum effect of radiation and gravity field would help to find the answer to one question. And that is are the gravity waves possible and is the mystery transfer particle of the gravitation only the one form of lepton would get answers by that kind of system.

The metering bases the idea, that when the gravity wave is facing the atom clock there would be little difference in the action of that system. But the problem is that also the electrons or electromagnetic radiation what hits the core of those extremely sharp metering tools might cause the increasing the mass of the probe, and the gravity wave would be extremely weak. That means that any radiation, what might come as an example some neutron star or black hole can disturb the atom clock that it cannot notice the gravity waves, what are covered by the radiation, what increases the mass of the probe, but also causes the errors in the radioactive splitting of the cesium atoms, what are used as an oscillator in normal atom clocks.

NASA's JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) has been sent the atom clock to the deep space, and that system is the sharpest clock in the world. The thing what makes that clock so sharp is that system is far away from the gravity fields, what are curving the universe and slowing the time. That phenomenon proved the time-slowing near the gravity points real as Einstein predicted.

The thig what proved that thig was that the GPS-satellites clocks were working different pace than the atom clocks on the Earth. And that thing is one of the most remarkable proves, what has found in history. That thing causes problems with the very sharp metering on the Earth, and the thing is that forces to adjust or synchronize the clocks on the earth and orbiter frequently, what causes the problems to use GPS or GLONASS system with extremely high accuracy.

The things cause problems to meter extremely large areas like chancing the altitude of the mountains, or the vertical and horizontal movements of the tectonic plates in the short period. The idea of those meterings is that when the earthquake or eruption of the volcano is starting, there would increase the speed of vertical movements of the tectonic plates or volcanoes. The thing is that before the volcano starts to erupt, the mountain starts to rise faster because the magma is coming up, and pushes the top of the mountain upwards.

And the lack of horizontal movement means that the tectonic plates are locked, but before the earthquake starts the lock must be broken, and that might cause that in the place of the fault lines the land is starting to grow or fall because the lock of the basalt must break before the plates start to move, and that jerk is the thing, what we know as earthquake.

But the problem is that those systems need extreme accuracy. So if NASA uses that deep space atom clock for adjusting the GPS satellites clocks that would give that system the most extreme accuracy, what mankind has ever got in any large-scale metering system. But that system can also be used to meter as the gravity waves, what are expected to travel around the universe.

The deep-space atom clock is extremely sharp, and it detects the smallest changes in the space geometry, by following the slowing the time. The idea of the gravity waves is coming from theory, that every basic force at the universe has the transmitting particle. For electricity that particle is the electron or lepton in this case.

The weak nuclear force carries by Z or W bosons, the strong interaction is transmitting gluons, and the gravity is transmitting by gravitons. The idea of the graviton is that every force in the universe can transform into another force. That means that the graviton must have existed because other base forces have transmitting particles. And if we would transmit the energy like high-power radio waves, that increases the mass of the targeted object. So that means that the graviton could have existed. But nobody has ever seen that particle yeat.


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