1) Two theories about the mysterious dark area in clouds of Venus
A) Could those dark area caused by some primitive bacteria?
In some images has been seen the strange dark areas in the clouds of Venus. That dark area form is given many theories, and one of them is that there is still bacteria in the clouds of that planet. In those theories, those bacteria are so primitive, that they would not have own mitochondria, and they would take the energy what they need from the Venus atmospheres high temperature.
So those hypothetical primitive bacteria would be like the first organs what were living near the volcanic eruption holes on Earth, before the cells connected with mitochondria. And in some theories, those proto-nucleus cells could live also in other planets. At the beginning of the Cambrian period, the cells needed volcanic heat for getting energy for their metabolism, and until the rickettsia called mitochondria advanced, and connected to those cells, the life could start to suffuse to oceans.
B) Could some kind of radio waves, what is coming from Earth cause the mysterious dark area?
There are other theories about the forming of that area, and that thing is that those areas are forming because of the radio-radiation what comes from Earth causes chemical reactions in the clouds. The radio signals would come from the extremely powerful radars or radiotelescopes what are metering the winds and geological processes of the Venus.
Every radiotelescope can also transmit radio waves and those systems are used for mapping the surface of other planets. Those VLF-radars sees geological structures, what are below the surface of other planets like Venus and Mars. Those radio transmitters are installed to the radio telescopes like VLA, and they can also be used for searching the promising areas for the landing of space probes.
The explanation has been given in the article below the whirlwind of the atmosphere of Venus, but the thing is that if the radar signal hits the cloud, it would start the rise of energy in that point. That will warm the atmosphere, and cause the rising wind. But if we would face the primitive lifeforms on that planet, it would revolutionize the science.
2) Communicating with probe what is behind the Moon.
There is a theoretically simple way to communicate with probe what is behind the Moon by using another lander. That lander would use seismic waves to communicate with the probe, what the straight radio signals cannot reach. The thing is that even if there is no atmosphere on the Moon the stone itself conducts voice as the seismic shocks, like every other stone in the world.
So those seismic shocks, what would send by the resonator could be used to communicate with the probe, what is another side of the moon. And if the Moon conducts electricity, the radio signals can be sent through that particle by using high power radio signals, what are send through the Moon. But that needs very high power radio transmitter, and also the frequency must be right, that the high power radio signal would travel through basalt without disturbs.
If we want to communicate with spacecraft, what is landed behind the Moon we could use two ways to communicate with that probe. Another way is to use the communication satellite, which orbits the Moon and records the mission what is sent to the orbiter, and then releases that data, when it passes the probe. And in that case, the memory of that probe would be sent to a communication satellite.
Or there would be other communication satellite behind the Moon at Lagrange point L-2 where the stable satellite would be anchored, and then the data would send to the orbiting satellite, what orbits so-called "saint trajectory", what means that it would orbit in the polaric trajectory of Moon like it always sees Earth. That allows the communication between the probe by sending the data first to the orbiting satellite, and that satellite would transfer the data via the stable satellite to the probe.
3) Strange orange mineral on the Moon
Chinese rover, what travels behind the Moon has faced the small impact crater, where is the orange mineral, what looks like some kind of make-up. That origin orange mineral is a mystery. The thing is that that mineral, what has founded from Apollo 17 mission (or at least the image in the source has been taken in Apollo 17 mission), is interesting because of the findings of those minerals are found in the small impact craters.
There is a question that does it suck the meteors to it. Or as Apollo 17 astronauts suspected, the form of the mineral caused by the volcanic eruption? Or is there some other origin? When we are thinking about some kind of antenna or something like that like lightweight space probes, destroying those sites would be easy by shooting them by using a high-power air rifle, what is loaded by stones.
In this case in the chamber would burn or explode the hydrogen and oxygen. And after that the stone, what would be the chalk, what is used at the schools, would hit the target. But who would use that kind of things, and what could be the destroyer things. This is the big question, and that's why this kind of things would be really interesting.
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