The thing, what might be behind the tale of the seven years bad luck about the broken mirror
When we are thinking the tale, that the broken mirror causes seven years bad luck, the thing what comes in the mind is that there is a possibility, that this thing uncovers some secret observation room. And that kind of things is, of course, very bad things, because that would uncover that the King would know something about the embarrassing things, what are connected to lost battles.
But there might be some other explanations for this tale, and one of them is that behind the mirror glass is a possibility, that there would leave bacteria in anaerobic conditions. That thing would cause infections or even death to people, who will pull those bacteria or their germs in the lungs, where they can cause pneumonia. The thing is that bacteria like anthrax are very deadly in this kind of situation. And those organisms can set in purpose or accidentally behind the mirror glass.
The connection with art and bacteria
When we are thinking beautiful paintings, there is always a possibility, that originally those paintings are meant for weapons. In those cases, the front layer of paint would put the bacteria, what is covered by Vaseline. When somebody releases that layer, this thing can release the germs to the air. So that thing might cause the tales of the cursed paintings.
There are also tales that the bacteria, or mushroom, which causes the "curse of pharaoh" has been put to the papyrus or paper, what is sent to targeted people. The "curse of pharaoh" is the mushroom, or bacteria, what turns deadly in anaerobic conditions. If that organism, what is also called as the "flesh-eating mushroom" would touch the mucous of the membrane.
Would infect the body of the victim, and this thing causes death quite soon, because of poisoning chemicals and the tissue destroying enzymes. The thing is that this kind of "gifts" was very often the reason, why some kings have been getting sick in the vital moment. This kind of paintings are weapons, which are meant for eliminating enemies.
When we are thinking about the tales of the broken mirrors and poisoning, we must remember that ancient kings used tasters, whose mission was to make sure that there was no poison in the food. That job was given to the slaves or the enemies of the king, and if that person didn't taste the food, that would cause death by the most horrifying ways, what people can ever imagine.
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