Tuesday, August 13, 2019

One comment of 14 lost books of the Holy Bible or Vatican library

One comment of 14 lost books of the Holy Bible or Vatican library

In the beginning, I must say, that there is a difference if the book is removed from the Vatican library or the Holy Bible. Many people have heard stories of the 14 banned books, what were removed from the Holy Bible or the Vatican library. When we are thinking about the Holy Bible there are many things, what has been removed or changed from those texts during history.

Some Kings might put their birthday to the day of creation of the earth to their birthday, and the same kind of things was done with the birthdays of the holy men. So the rulers have changed the Holy Bible for supporting their power, what is claimed to give from Heaven and by God himself. If somebody excused the kings right to rule the country and his people, that thing caused the death because of the blasphemy.

But when we are thinking that the books, and where they were removed, there is a little difference, if they were removed from the Holy Bible or have they removed from the Library of Vatican. What those books involved in the mystery, but if they were a part of the Vatican collection of books, they might involve information about the powerful people relationship with pagan religions, what was prohibited in the Medieval period.

The thing is that many aristocrats of the Roman Empire have persecuted Christians, and when the emperor Constantine the Great chosen Christianity to the states religion in Rome, that caused problems with aristocrats, who were supporting the Emperor. Christianity allowed the Emperor to make, what that man wanted, and everything was accepted by God. This was the reason, why the Roman leaders have chosen Christianity for their religion. 

When the Catholic Church started to turn all people to its order and doctrine, there were also many pagan rulers, who turned and their people turned of course to the new religion, what was tack to support the monarchy and ruling of the people. So, when we are thinking about the books what could be removed from the libraries, we might think that the family trees of the powerful families were in those books. The thing is that the blue-blooded aristocrats lived separated from the ordinary people, and the pope, who was the absolute ruler of the church was chosen from the powerful families.

There is a possibility that the removed and destroyed books contained a little bit embarrassing information about the poisoning or some other cases in some very high-class aristocrats. And if those books contained information, what might touch the pope or his family, those books should be removed, because of wrong information in the hands of the ruler of the Catholic Church would cause burning on the pyre. So this might be the reason for the removing and destruction of some books. But what if those books were removed from the Holy Bible?

Those books might remove by order of some Kings because if they contained the information, that the end of the world was coming in the year 666 or 1666, that information would be embarrassing. The Catholic Church was supporting the power of monarchs, and that thing caused that the monarchs removed or rewritten parts of that book very often, in the first periods of the Catholic Era.

Maybe those books removed for rewriting them, and somebody just forgot to put them back to the Holy Bible. Who knows the reasons for that, but if the Pope or some king has given the order to remove some parts of the Holy Bible, that thing would be done, because resistance causes the death penalty. And maybe the order would be given also for every church, that the Priest or monk must remove the forbidden books from the Holy Bible immediately, and if those texts would be found, the fate would be worse than hell.

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