Monday, September 23, 2019

Green power in research

Green power in research

It's very easy to transform a normal cellphone with a camera to the research system. And the cameras of mobile telephones are sharp, and if the tale objectives are putting on those cameras, that would be a very powerful tool. One of the most fascinating ideas is to use a camera obscure with those cameras and drive the light through the small hole, which allows projecting the images to the wall of the box.

Then the images can be taken from the wall by using the periscope, and that thing would allow looking at them by using magnifier or microscope. If the camera of the cell phone would connecting that microscope, that thing would give really small details of that image, what camera obscure makes behind the box, and that would be a really interesting way to think about photographing.

High-tech canoe

But let's go to think about green power, which can be used with this kind of systems, what needs electricity. Some ideas of that sector are really funny, but they could be also potential. One of the ideas, what has potential is the canoe, what is covered by using solar panels. And there might also be the window at the bottom of this canoe, where the mobile telephone can be put for researching the underwater world.

One of the problems of solar panels is that those systems need sunlight, and this is why this canoe can be equipped with the pedalo-system, which allows the user to use dynamo, what would load the batteries of that cell phone. And then if we would equip that pedalo system with a similar transmission, what is used in the bicycles, and vertical propeller, that would give very fast speed for that canoe.

In this case, the control system can be used the wire, which is used to control the rudder. And the idea of this system is that it's very ecologic and lightweight. That means it can be used in small lakes and creeks. The lightweight structure makes it possible to carry in forests and easy to transport to the ponds, where are no rivers.

The thing in that system is, that it can be used as a manned or unmanned system, what operates independently or remote-controlled in the forests and coasts. It can be operated by satellites, and the operator can sit in the command center.

Navigation is also important. The system might use GPS, normal and infrared cameras to navigate. There has sometimes made the plans that the human-shaped robot could sit in this research canoe, and it can take samples from beaches. But also the military might be interesting about this kind of solutions, where robot-snipers or something like that will send to the enemy territory, or those systems can also locate targets for guided bombs.

The central control unit would be a small-sized computer, which is installed in the canoe, and what operates by using a satellite telephone. The cell-phones have very much memory, and that means that the remote-control system can be the cell-phone, what has necessary programs. That kind of canoes might have miniaturized laboratories and other sensors to detect things, which are interesting to the researchers.

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