Super-Earths and another kind of exoplanets
Super-Earths are the most interesting thing in the universe, and when we are thinking about planets, what size or mass is about 2-5 times of Earth those planets can maintain lifeforms, what is quite similar with lifeforms on Earth. But the most important thing, in that case, is the atmosphere of the planet.
And many times researchers have criticized that they are expecting that the life-forms of other planets are exactly similar to lifeforms of Earth. And that thing might be too much to expect. Those lifeforms could be very different than the lifeforms on Earth, and that means that even if those planets would be a copy of Earth, that doesn't necessarily mean that there could be as example animals.
That means that the vegetables or flora don't need fauna for existing, and of course, those animals could have a hybrid body. That means that their skin could have chlorophyll molecules, which means that those animals could live in the atmosphere, where is no free oxygen, and that means that those species are both, they could be animals as well as vegetables.
But when we are going back to think about exoplanets and Super-Earths, those super giant rocky planets what are forming the silicon and other solid elements could have a negative effect to the forming the Earth-size rocky worlds, where the lifeforms could be exactly similar with Earth, and the reason for that is simple. Those Super-Earths need very much material when they are forming, and that thing can cause those very heavy particles to simply tie all solid elements of the molecular cloud into themselves.
And that means that silicon and iron would be lost in that cloud because all of those elements are sucked by Super-Earths. There is a thing that those supermassive planets can have size over half a Jupiter, and they are many times heavier than it. This means that this kind of particle can be extremely dominating in every solar system. But when we are thinking this kind of particles as the stabilizers of the solar systems, they can operate as well the favorable Jupiter as Jupiter itself acts in our solar system.
But if the mass of that planet is two times of Jupiter, the right location of it would be a radius of two times farther than Jupiter, if the star is similar to Sun. And of course, the moons have also effect to the distance, which is suitable for forming of the habitable planet, because of seas and other things like rotation speed and the number of particles like dust between the planet and star also have affected the forming of the conditions of the atmosphere, where lifeforms what are similar with Earth can form.
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