Wednesday, October 9, 2019

When bright stars are covering other stars

When bright stars are covering other stars

Barnard's star distance 6 light-years like in one computer game has been told has the planet. Super-Earth, what orbits quite near of this flare-star, which is quite near to us. And that thing is quite amazing because there have been found the Super-Earths around other stars, what is brighter and farther away from Earth than Barnard's Star. That thing makes sometimes people think that there is something wrong with this kind of object.

And people are asking, why the planets of Proxima Centauri, what is the nearest star of Earth found the only couple of years ago? Gliese 581 is quite a similar star with Proxima Centauri and the distance to that star is 20 light-years. And that exoplanet system is known better than the Proxima system.

Here I must ask one question,  is the Proxima Centauri worse observation target than some red dwarf at 20 light-years away from us? The double star or two brown dwarfs, what is orbiting together and forming the system known as Luhman-16 has been found in 2010, and that thing is quite interesting because Luhman-16 is nearer Earth than Wolf-359 what is 7,78 light-years from Earth and the brightness of Wolf-359 is 0,00002 suns.

Numbers are taken from Finnish Wikipedia. The distance to Luhman-16 is 6,6 light-years and the brightness is similar to Wolf-259. The first suspected exoplanet has been predicted to be near Barnard's star because that star was traveling weaving trajectory.  And that icy planet has been found recently.

But when we are thinking bright stars, we must realize that very bright blue stars are making searching the sun-type stars difficult, because those bright stars are covering the sun-type stars in their brightness. That's why finding yellow stars from another galaxy is impossible. This kind of thing is making the SETI-program difficult, because there is a possibility, that some galaxies would have only blue stars.

If we are thinking the opposite way there is a possibility that in some area of the universe, where is seem only bright blue stars could be only one suitable star for lifeforms, what are similar with Earth. But in this case, we must know, that those bright stars would cover the entire planetary system and even quite bright stars in the middle of them.

Or the star, what might interest SETI-program might be behind those bright stars or hiding behind galactic dust. The thing is that if we want to look for intelligent lifeform, that thing might be somewhere, where we cannot even expect. And the thing is that if those hypothetical advanced aliens would use quantum computers and communicate with qubits, those messages cannot be open for us.

The problem is that in the world is only a couple of radio telescopes or so-called high power telescopes. Of course, there is a lot of telescopes, but the universe is full of interesting targets, which are wanted to observe by using telescopes like VLA and Arecibo. The last one is the zenith telescope, and that means that it is in a fixed position in Puerto Rico. That means that the alien civilization should be in the line of that telescope if astronomers want to get the message from other civilizations and that means that they should have good luck.

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