Are dolphins more intelligent than humans?
The world is full of interesting questions, and one of them is connected to this problem, are dolphins intelligent? There is a big language barrier between a dolphin and a human. We can find out how those animals react to some recorded signals, but we cannot ask anything about their opinions. And that means we cannot make a linguistic estimation about those animals.
We must realize that dolphins have bigger brains than humans because they have more sensors than we have. Or actually, dolphins have larger sensorimotor brain core than us, because they must control their most important organ, the sonar more carefully than human must control own sensors.
The difference between sonar and the sensors, what human uses are that all our sensors are passive. And that means that we must not control our sensors with the same accuracy as dolphins control their sonars. That means that we can leave our sensors without notice, and the thing, that is called a limbic system would decide should it deliver the data, what sensors are collecting to the brain core.
And that leaves the neurons time to make other operations. The ability to filter data makes possible to avoid the stress of the brain core, and that thing would make space to use those cells to another mission. They can try to find the solution for problems, what human sees. And that thing makes us so special. The reason, why we have only passive sensors is that those sensors are not uncovered our location.
For the same reason, a nuclear submarine is hunting the enemy by using tide microphones, which tracks the target by benefiting the noise that leaves from its engines. And the location of the target can define by using the triangular metering. If submarine uses an active sonar system the target would notice it because of the sound waves, what it sends.
But let's go back to dolphins intelligence. Are dolphins intelligent or not? This is a problem that we cannot solve very easily.
Dolphins are living in the sea, and they have no arms, what to use during intelligence tests. So we can make similar tests, what we are using with dogs, but those tests must be done in a different environment. The major problem when we are trying to meter intelligence of the animals is that we can meter their ability to collect balls, but we cannot make them any abstract missions, like put them to write something.
Of course, we can put some fingers up, and try to teach that the animal should put the same number of rubber balls to the basket, what is the number of rising fingers. And if the number is right, we can give the cookie or somehow award those animals because it pleases us. But then we must say, that also our dog can take the ball and put it in the right basket. And horses can knock the floor if we have taught them to imitate the number of rising fingers.
So how we determine intelligence? Is it the ability to stay living in a natural environment? That means that things like snails are really intelligent because they can stay alive in the natural environment, or is the determination of intelligence the ability to make computer programs?
That means that architects and other kinds of people are not noticed in this determination, because there are lots of innovative and very fascinating architects, whoever made the computer programs. But there are many computer programmers, whoever made or planned the houses. And this makes the determination of intelligence very interesting.
The other way to meter the ability to learn things is to show those animals like dolphins the diagram of the things like a shipwreck, and then somehow tell that if dolphins would visit in some room, they can get the gift like a treat. The thing, how we can teach the thing, where the dolphin finds the treat is that we can give the fish to the dolphin.
Then show the image of fish in a certain room, and hope that animal would identify the food for that area and think that they get more than good things if they are going in that place. And by using this kind of test, we can meter the difference in the speed of action of the dolphins, what is seen the map or diagram, and the dolphins, what have not seen that information.
This kind of method bases the hunting instinct of the animal. But are the dolphins intelligent or not, there is no answer to that thing. We cannot ask dolphins how intelligent they are, and are they more intelligent than our dog? That is the thing, that we might think about the distant future.
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