Sunday, December 22, 2019

I'll be back

I'll be back

I will stay away from this blog for a while, but I have opened a new blog in the address below. In that blog, I will continue the same style, what I have used before. The thing is that Christmas is coming, and the thing is that we must always renew our image. I'm starting to talk or write like some emperor of Russia, who always used the word "we" when he made decisions. So sometimes I will write there and here, and I certainly hope that you enjoy reading those things. 

The decision to change the platform was "helped" by some people, but the thing is that I always want to test new things. So they suggested that blog or homepage service, and for some reason, what I don't want to mention, I will start the blog also in Wix. But maybe someday I'll be back like Arnold Schwarzenegger always says in his movies. And as I just wrote the thing is that you can continue to read things also from the adress, what is below this text.


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