Sunday, December 1, 2019

Electric scooters and bicycles can be used to track people, where they are moving.

Electric scooters and bicycles can be used to track people, where they are moving.

In many cities in the services, which can be used to borrow bicycles or electric scooters. Those services are reserved only for registered users and the thing is that each of those vehicles is equipped with GPS, which means that the service could follow every one of its vehicles on the map, and that thing makes those vehicles problematic for security.

That means that the service, what will borrow those vehicles can see, where those vehicles are used, and the thing is that the driving speed and lines, what the driver uses can see in the computer monitors. The user of the vehicle can also be tracked by using the borrowing information, which means that the persons, who are using that thing bad way or against the rules can be tracked very easily. But the problem is that if the computers would store data of the movements of a certain person, that would cause the breakdown of privacy.

The thing is that those persons, who are responsible for the service of those scooters might even not know, that the system would store the data of the movements of some person. And that makes this kind of thing problematic. The data, that is collected can be used to track the drug dealers or some other persons, who are making illegal actions. That kind of data can be used by authorities, but also other criminals would use this kind of tracking data to find the places, that they want to rob.

Because the money, what is handled in those places is illegal, that means that the victims would not make a report of an offense, and that means that those persons would not be looked by police. Of course, the other criminals would want to revenge. But the robbery would not come to the public knowledge, and the criminals cannot use the same method with police or other official authorities.

The thing is that the tracking data of the location could be so sharp, that the system would know the location of the tracked person by using the centimeter scale error possibility. That means that the system can collect data, does the person drive in the middle of the people, or does that person use some special routes? Or does that target make things, what is telling the need to find out the followers, like driving around the block for many hours?

But the thing is that data can be collected very easily, and that collection might be very well targeted. In this case, only the people, whose location benefits the corporation would be followed, and this kind of thing is really difficult to uncover because the follower can use some kind of hacker software to see the locations of the vehicles. And that thing can happen hidden from the public eye.


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