Sunday, December 1, 2019



Could dragon be silicone-based lifeform?

Sometimes the stories of dragons might be got their origin from the caves, where is the volcanic eruption hole. That would cause the very hot gas flow, which can burn people from a very long distance. And also very hot water, what flies from the volcanic eruption holes would be extremely hot. In this case the steam, what is the temperature of hundreds of degrees of Celsius that would turn the trees to the flames, and that can be a very good explanation of dragons.

Do you wonder where the evolution theorists create their models for their strange creatures? Sometimes the ideas of the creatures, what are so different, what we are being taken from the old folk stories. If there would be some kind of creature, what is silicone-based, that would explain many things, like old stories of the stoned dragons (1) and other creatures like mountain goblins.

Sometimes there have been introduced claiming that the dragons were the snakes like King Cobras, what was brought to the European courts, and sometimes those snakes could spit their poison. And in that case, the body armor of the knight would protect that person against that poison. But we can also use more imagination for trying to create an explanation for dragons.

And we create an idea of the silicon-based life form, what is covered by the skin, what is formed by the normal cells, and that creature would be opposite with diatoms. This kind of idea might seem imaginational, but we have the right to use imagination when we are creating the ideas of something extraordinary.

Could there be some strange creatures, what are living deep underground, and could those creatures stand the extreme heat and pressure? Could the old stories of dragons and other strange creatures like mountain Goblins caused because of those strange creatures, what might be the silicon-based lifeforms.

Diatoms have silicon layers on the top of normal cells, and sometimes philosophers think could it be possible that there could be creature, what has carbon-based cells on the top of silicone-based cells? If we are thinking about the creature, what might have this kind of structure in its body that thing might cause the breath of that kind of creature would be very hot. The temperature, what the silicon-based lifeform needs for a living would be very high, and the thing is that the silicon-based creature would be stoned if it would face water or too low temperature.

And in many dragon tales, dragons would be stoned, when they cannot eat lava. So are dragons the silicone-based creatures? There is no simple answer to that question, but there is one little thing, what people have to remember, and that thing is connected to the deepest hole on Earth (2). When the Soviets and later Russians drilled the deepest hole in the world at the Kola peninsula and the plans were to drill the hole to the magma layer.

That operation was ended, when the drill was heated to 180 degrees Celsius. That kind of drills are made by using a special metal combination, which would stand that temperature very well, and then the operation was ended. That caused rumors that there was found something from those samples, but the reason, why the drilling was ended. So did somebody found the bacteria, what is somehow different, what everything, what we have known before. Or are those drillers faced the roof of the hidden nuclear facility?




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