Sunday, December 1, 2019

Use of biometric data for making things more secure.

Use of biometric data for making things more secure.

Biometric data is a very good way to identify the users of some devices. But the question is what is the dark side of that kind of data? The thing is that the biometric data can be collected from the devices, and compare it with the databases. And things like fingerprints are coming to the identify method also in the private sector.  That means that also the private corporations can start to use the recognition method, which has been reserved for governmental use, and that kind of thing is causing discussions in the public media.

Fingerprints are a really good way to make tools secure. That thing is not able to fake. And also biometric data tells is there some other person, who is handling the device, which uses biometric recognition of users. That system can compare the fingerprints of people who are using the mobile devices of some firm, and that thing tells, who is borrowing the telephones of other users. In this case, the computers of the company require biometric recognition by using the mobile telephone of the firm, if they want to use the data, what is confidential.

Biometrics is a very effective tool for making things safe. And when things like fingerprints are used to open things like the mobile telephone, there is a possibility that if the telephone has been reported to be stolen or missing the system will send that data to the authorities, which will track the mobile device and arrest that person. But there is a possibility to use the fingerprints, what are stored in the system for tracking people who have made illegal actions.

This kind of thing is a really interesting point of view when we are thinking of the possibility to make the Internet more secure. The thing is that data is ever totally free, and there is no absolute freedom in the net anyway, and that means we must understand that some kind of control is necessary. If things like mobile devices use top security like a biometric key, that means that the fingerprints of the user can send to the Internet, and they can be compiled with fingerprints, which are taken from the crime scene, without telling that thing to the person or police chief. This is the thing that people must understand.

Authorities are not always telling things, what is true, even if they are under democratic control. The thing is that the voice recognition can also be used to track people who are calling the disturbing phone calls. If we would connect this thing to profile, the authorities can focus the surveillance on the people, who are denying permission to use their biometric data to solving crimes.

This means that authorities might ask permission to use that data, and if the person denies that thing, this tells that the user of the mobile device has something to hide. Also if the person writes texts, what are supporting crimes, that thing tells that there is something to hide with those things or there are persons with suspected connections to criminals. And this makes this kind of thing very useful to target the surveillance to those people, who are more suspicious than others.


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