Monday, December 30, 2019

Where can we benefit antimatter?

Where can we benefit antimatter?

In theory, the production of antimatter is quite easy. We must just launch the bucket to the orbiter, and then cover the open side by using en layer. After that, we must just turn that thing to the sun, and then the electrons would go through that layer. Then the spin of a couple of electronics would turn opposite. Of course, the same thing can happen to the protons, and that would release more energy. Then the bucket must be equipped with a magnetic field, which denies the antimatter touch with the material.

When we are thinking about the power of antimatter, the energy load of that thing is enormous. Three antielectrons are giving enough energy for boiling a cup of coffee, and that's why the production of those things must happen fully controlled and the number of the positrons, what is the name of an antielectron is very low in each test. So what happens if we would create too many positrons?

The result of that kind of thing is devastating, and that's why the production of positrons is normally done by shooting electrons through the gold layer, and the spin of those electrons turns to the opposite way.  And the thing, what makes that thing possible is that when electron would go through the thick layer it would touch the other electrons, and that touch would turn it to the antielectron.

Mostly used antimaterial particles, which are used in the tests is the positron, what is driven through the particle accelerator against an electron, and that kind of tests have uncovered many particles like Higgs boson. But the problem is that when antimatter touches matter it causes very huge energy releasing, what is called annihilation. So the antimatter bomb is quite an interesting tool in the hands of the military.

The theory of that bomb has been introduced man named Edward Teller, the chief of the United States hydrogen bomb project. And that's why an antimatter bomb is called "Teller's bomb".  But use antimatter as the rocket fuel is a very interesting choice, and the energy of that thing is so high that the gram of antimatter would transport space ship to Alpha Centauri. And the cigarette-size antimatter bomb would destroy the entire continent.

Antimatter can be stored in the very small magnetic bottles and some theories, some weapon researchers have created an idea to make bullets, where would be antielectrons inside them. Making that kind of thing is possible, and I certainly hope that this kind of thing has ever done. Those bullets where is antimatter inside can destroy the entire city, and that thing is really scary to think.

The antimatter engine

The principle of antimatter rocket is similar to a normal rocket. Antimatter would conduct to the combustion chamber and it will react with the material. That would cause a huge explosion, which would push the rocket to the forward. Another way is to make the "Orion-type" spacecraft, where the atom bombs would replace with annihilation engine. That means in the back of the rocket would shoot the bites like nuts. Then those bites would target the antielectrons, which will cause a huge explosion, and then the system would give a very huge punch to that craft. 

It is possible to form antimatter by using cosmic radiation for that process. In the most conventional model, the electrons would shoot through the gold layer, and then the system would transform them into a particle accelerator. The iron bite might be loaded with the opposite polarity of electrons, and that would pull the positrons to that bite. That would allow making the antimatter rocket very easily.

How to produce antimatter by benefitting cosmic radiation?

The production of antimatter can be done by using the funnel, where is the gold layer in it. This system must only shoot to the orbiter of the Earth, where it touches the cosmic radiation.

That gold layer can turn the electrons and even protons to rotate another side, and then those particles would be captured in the magnetic bottle. Separation of antimatter can be done by using a magnet, which pulls the positive and negative particles in different ways. The idea is that the annihilation reaction happens only between the mirror particles.

The safest way would be to target those antielectrons straight to some particle, which denies the possibility of errors and devastating mistakes. This thing can benefit natural cosmic radiation, and it can use in peaceful nuclear engines. 

But if we want to be more effective, we can use active pulling to pull ions and electrons through the gold layer. That system can use positive polarity, which pulls electrons through that layer and pushes protons away. And those antielectrons can be stored in the magnetic bottle, which denies their contact with the wall and other electrons. But the same system can be used to turn also protons to antiprotons, and in that case, the releasing energy layer is extremely high. Then they can put in the extremely small magnetic bottles, and used as the most devastating bullets, what history has ever seen.

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