The flying saucers and antimatter. ( Bob Lazar's "Sports model ")
Image is portraying Bob Lazar's "Sports model", which means to craft, what could benefit antimatter for its engines. The system will pull ions through the gold layer, and that will turn them antimatter, and it gives an extremely powerful punch. This method is used also in particle accelerators for creating the antimatter for collision tests.
Connecting antimatter and ion motors would be possible to fly to stars. And antimatter can solve problems of the sustaining of the propellant. If in magneto dynamic drive would connect the antimatter creator, that system can create enormous power. The system would inject the antimatter to the flow of particles, which is pulled through the accelerator.
One version to start the system would happen by using the stored antimatter, which is annihilated with normal ions. Then the craft can turn to use the ions, which are pulled through the magnetic accelerator, and it might have two accelerators, the other would pull the particles through the gold layer, which would turn those particles to antimatter. Another version is used in magnetic fields, which turn particles into their mirrors.
Sometimes is created an idea about the hybrid motor, which allows the travel extremely long distances in the space. The reality in theoretical research of the long term space flights is that the ion motor, fusion engine, and antimatter rocket would be installed in the same form, and the system can use all of those things separately or at the same time. The ions, that would pull through the ion accelerator can target the laser-rays, which are causing the fusion. And in the point of fusion would target the antimatter shower.
The thing is that those reactions can be done outside the spacecraft and that means this kind of engine would be the more effective version of the legendary"Orion" system. In both versions, the nuclear explosion would make the particle flow, which would push the craft through space. The system can use fusion power, which is assisted with a normal nuclear reactor until the speed of the craft is high enough. And then the antimatter system could turn on. That would allow creating a reaction that releases more energy than the system would pump in it.
The antimatter can make possible to create a self-sustain nuclear reaction
The craft would be very short, like the hat of mushroom. Powerful magnets will pull the ions of the space through the golden layer at the front of the channel, where the accelerator magnets would be positioned. When those particles hit the golden layer, they will turn the anti- or mirror particles. Then those anti-ions would target the ion thrust, which is created by using normal ion motors. The thing is that the outer layer of the saucer-shaped craft would have ion cannons, which will shoot normal ions to the antimatter ray. In the impact, the point can point also the laser rays, which makes it possible to create also fusion at that point.
But when we are thinking that the spacecraft would not have visible exhaustion tubes or motors, we might think that the craft is using some kind of quantum technology for making the movements. The idea of the quantum motor is simple. The system would pull the particles through the channels in the material, which is used for creating the craft.
One of the simplest versions is to use the nanotubes for that thing. The nanotubes would be surrounded by the magnetic accelerators, and then the ions would drive through it. That system might have the golden layer at the forward of those tubes, and in the middle of the craft would be created the point, where the system would create the artificial sun, or how we would call the point, where the system creates the energy.
The thing is by using this kind of system, the releasing of energy would be higher than the energy, which is pumped in the reaction point. If the system will accelerate the speed of the craft high enough the system would pull the ions through the golden layer very effectively. Then the fusion can transform to the antimaterial drive, and then the other systems like silicone panels will collect the energy, which is released in antimatter- material impact.
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