Friday, January 3, 2020

Some things about Bob Lazar's "Sports model UFO"

Some things about Bob Lazar's "Sports model UFO"

The "Sports UFO" is a really interesting tool in the hands of researchers and the military. If we are thinking about this kind of vehicle, it can be used alone, or it can dock in the back of the regular rocket. This thing would make the system interesting for the points 

In some visions, the "Sport's UFO" would launch separately from some spaceport. Then it will dock to the normal rocket, what is loaded with hydrogen, and then the gas will ionize before it will be pulled in the engine. Of course, that antimatter engine can operate with the principle of interstellar ramjet but hydrogen offers great protection against the strong radiation of that engine. 

The thing that makes antimatter a difficult way to use as the propellant is the high costs of that system. The electron needs a very high energy level, that it would transform to antielectron or positron. Antimatter is forming in the atmosphere all the time, but the thing is that we should collect those short-living particles someway. 

Was antimatter the reason for the catastrophe of the Castle Bravo hydrogen bomb test in 1954?(1)

'Gold could be really good protection against radiation, but the problem is that the gold layer would make possible to create antimatter. And that's why antielectrons are making the creation of the lightweight spacesuits quite difficult because the power of the cosmic radiation would make it possible for the creation of antimatter. And if that thing would happen when a person is inside the spacesuit, that thing can cause a really dangerous effect. 

When we are thinking about the situation, that we would close the hydrogen bomb inside the gold layer, that thing would probably boost the effect of that weapon, because when beta- or electron radiation would pass this layer, it would turn the spin of electrons opposite. And that effect could be the reason for the "Castle Bravo" catastroph when the hydrogen bomb released 1,5 times more power, which was calculated. 

When we are looking at that antimatter-propelled spacecraft, we must remember a couple of things about it. The thing that the craft has been drawn or some calculations have been made doesn't mean that this device has flown by using antimatter, but if we are thinking that this kind of research has been done, we must realize that antimatter gives extremely good protection against attacks, because if the magnetic bottle, where the antimatter particles have been stored would be damaged, that would mean huge explosion. 

So this is the thing, that we must realize when we are talking about antimatter and nuclear power commonly. Nuclear reactor protects ships and other vessels effective, and if the core of the nuclear reactor would be damaged, nuclear pollution would release the radioactive radiation in the large areas. 


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