The antimatter version of the Orion spacecraft.
Sometimes some very intelligent technical specialists have created an idea of the antimatter version of the famous "Project Orion", the spacecraft, what has planned to send to Mars. The propulsion of this craft would be the small-scale nuclear bombs, which would give a very big pulse to the backward of the vehicle, and there has been introduced the version, which would use particle accelerator or antimatter for creating the power. There are two ways to make that kind of engine.
The endemic and esoteric annihilation. The endemic annihilation means that there is a thing, that looks like a normal rocket. The annihilation happens in the rocket chamber and the particles, what pushes the craft forward would be created by annihilation, what is happening similar rocket engine, what is already used in chemical rockets.
The system is really easy to create, the magnetic accelerator would installed in the front of the cathode ray tube, and then the electrons would accelerate through the leaf gold layer and the normal material, which is conducted to the reaction chamber could be the water or hydrogen. The electricity for that system can be created by the turbine pumps, and theoretically, the normal rocket can turn to antimatter rocket very easily.
Another version of this type of rocket is the thing, which is called the esoteric annihilation. In this model, the annihilation would happen outside the craft. And things like "Orion" spacecraft can turn to this kind of system. The idea is that the positrons or antielectrons would shoot from the accelerator what is middle of the craft, and electrons would target to that position. The accelerator, where antimatter goes should be kept as straight as possible because if antimatter would contact with the core of accelerator, it will cause a huge explosion.
The idea of that system is that through the Earth will pull the magnetic accelerator and the structure, what looks like Stonehenge would be covered by the roof, which is made by using leaf gold. Then the particle accelerator will shoot the particles to the gold, and they would turn to antimatter.
Then that antimatter will hit the steam, and that thing makes possible to pull the spacecraft to space. The annihilation can be made under the normal rocket chamber and that thing is that kind of spacecraft can fly by using only water as the propellant. The highly energic particles would vaporize the water in the chamber.
At the end of this text, for the joy of the night, if you cannot sleep. One interesting theory about Stonehenge and its connection with an antimatter engine.
The strange thing about Stonehenge is that Eastern island is straight at the opposite side of Earth, and that thing causes the theories about ancient aliens. The thing, that is claimed to support that theory is that there is some kind of rocket engine, that shoots particles against the Earth, and that thing causes that the rock inside the Earth would start to be pressed from another side of the Earth.
This theory would start with an idea that the aliens needed to make a hole through the Earth, or that thing causes the explosion, which destroys Earth. And the stories of the trap to hell is based on this kind of thing. But as you see there are many things, what people have claimed about Stonehenge. And that stone ring would inspire the imagination even today. So the idea is that Stonehenge would be some kind of mark for that kind of structure, what is created for the protection of the very deep well, but who knows, what is the truth?
In this theory, Easter Island is the place, where those particles would send to Stonehenge through the particle accelerator. And then the craft, what should send to space would put on the Stonehenge. Then the particles would fly to the leaf gold layer, and hit the air in the space in the Stonehenge. The antimatter would cause extreme high energy pulse, which will raise the craft to the Earth orbiter.
But as you know, this kind of thing is pure theories, and sometimes I have thought what is the difference between the imagination and theory? The researchers all over the world are creating solutions for many things and one is the antimatter engine. This kind of thing might be the early attempts to create more powerful engine solutions than the normal chemical rockets have been.
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