Friday, January 31, 2020

What if we would meet a time traveler?

What if we would meet a time traveler?

This writing bases the story, what is on YouTube. The tale is "What if we would meet a time traveler" from the series "If". The thing is that kind of creature might have very many things to tell us if that thing is real. But there is one really interesting thing, what we ever thought, what if the wormhole would be real, what would happen, if we could benefit that thing in the time travel? 

So what if we could travel to the past? What would be the worst thing, what we can do? Killing the person, who created the idea of time travel could be the worst mistake, what we could make. But there is a possibility to create a so-called "time loop", where the person from the future would come and invent that thing. This is one of the greatest ideas, what the idea of time travel has brought in my mind. 

But for creating that thing the thing, what is needed is the wormhole, what connects two black holes, what are one in the time of today, and the other would be in the past. And in this thing, there is nothing, that would prove the work of this technology. Before we would test that thing, we cannot find out, is this kind of thing possible or not? 

And if something goes wrong, that thing means that there are many problems with that kind of thing. The first thing is how to create the singularity. This means that the singularity must be quite big and stable, that the thing would work. But if something goes wrong, the astronaut or time traveler would just suck to the endless hole, and that thing causes death. Or even the destruction of the entire Earth, if we would think about this kind of thing as the possibility, that the entire planet would drop in the black hole. 

But there is also one very interesting thing, what the black hole would cause if the singularity is too small. It can turn the person or thing, what goes through the Einstein-Rose bridge to antimatter, which means that when the time traveler would come out from the singularity, that means the huge explosion. So could we sometimes make the time travel? 

This is the thing, what we must always think about. The possibility that we can make the time machine is very hard to predict. But the thing is that the process for creating that thing is very hard, and there are many things, that can go wrong. One of those things is that targeting the time, where the time machine must go. In the movies, the time machine uses the crystals that are formed or collected from a certain time, and that thing makes it possible that the time machine would lock to that time by using the oscillation of those crystals.

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