Saturday, February 1, 2020

Fog and crane (Building site in fog)

Fog and crane (Building site in fog)

Is this the image of the UFO-landing site? No, it's an image of the building site in the foggy weather. Sometimes I have thought that how many times people have thought this kind of things like photographs, what is taken in the foggy and dark conditions as the UFOs? But sometimes the thing, what causes suspicion is how the taker of the photograph would not realize that the person is near some building site? How that kind of thing has been forgotten?

One of the reasons could be that a person has taken some narcotics, or medicine, which is locking the memory. But there is a possibility, that person has seen something, what looks like a crane. That thing can be the very big-size quadcopter, which is researched and developed by some building companies. Also, the Russian military has been researched the possibility to use large-sized quadcopters as automatized attack devices(1). 

But those systems can also be used as the kidnapping tool, which captures vehicles to some container. Those large-sized quadcopters can also use to carry building elements and they can be used to build mansions to the islands, but those systems can also build the remote missile bases deep inside forests. If the building site would use flying, heavyweight cargo units, there would be no need to build roads to that area. 

And that makes possible to keep those bases secret. But the thing, why somebody would not notice or remember the building site might cause by some other reasons, and the thing, what causes that can be the traumatic shock. If the person is under the effect of traumatic stress, what is caused by the thing like violent attack, that thing would make possible that the memory would work otherways than normally. This could be the thing behind some UFO-tales or photographs. 

If the person is violated, and the situation is traumatic, that can cause memory problems. The violent attack causes PTSD (Posttraumatic stress disorder) whenever a person would face that kind of thing. And the thing that might cause that person would not get or will to look for help is that thing, what caused the disorder has happened in the conditions, what are prohibited. 

If the youngster would buy drugs and then attacked in that kind of case, there is a possibility, that the case would not ever come to the knowledge of law enforcement. But the thing is that the flashbacks and other things would sometimes cause that the person is looking for help or otherwise send to psychiatrical examination, and then the traumatic experience would come to the knowledge of the authorities when the medical staff makes the report of the case. 

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