Sunday, February 2, 2020

Is it possible to destroy black holes?

Is it possible to destroy black holes?

Could we destroy a black hole by using antimatter or some other high-energy tool like powerful laser-rays? The idea is that the antimatter will shoot to the black hole and then it would go to the center of the black hole, and explode the nucleus. Problem is that the explosion would happen inside the singularity, and those particles would drop at the same point because the explosion cannot make enough big distances between those particles that they would not fall back to one point, and form the new singularity. 

There is a possibility that this kind of attempt would increase the power of a black hole and that thing is important to understand if we would someday create artificial black holes by using the very high energy levels, which is pumped to some object. The thing is that the black hole is not the thing, what we can destroy. It is not a physical object, and the form of it would be the powerful energy field. 

The thing, that we are seeing is the thing that is at the forward of the event horizon. The event horizon is the point, where the escaping velocity is the same with the speed of light. And behind that point, we can get only indirect observations. The gravity waves are giving intuition, what happens behind the event horizon because the black hole is oscillating all the time. That means that the energy level, that drops through the event horizon is changing. 

So what is the form of the black hole?

When the researchers have seen the X-ray and Gamma-ray bursts, what is coming out from black holes they are seen that there is something, that can escape from that object. The thing that is called the Hawking radiation (1) has been proven that the black holes cannot exist forever, and sooner or later those objects are vaporizing because they are losing photons. 

When black hole would get replacing material, there is no mean, how many photons or electrons are escaping from that hole. But the fact is that the black hole cannot get the escaping particles back, because they can leave the gravity field. The speed of those particles is extremely near the speed of light, and that means that they are flying away from the gravity field. If the black hole would not get new material, that would cause that the singularity is starting to vaporize or erupting, and maybe the Big Bang was a result of this kind of eruption. The reason, why small black holes are vaporizing faster than large ones is simply, in the massive black hole is more mass and material than small ones. 

The form of the black hole is the gravitational singularity, and that means that the black hole is the gravity field, or rather saying the form of the black hole is energy. Energy is feeding its power, and before the material is dropping in the black hole it would transfer the energy. When the energy is targeting in the singularity, that would give it the power. And material, what is dropping through the event horizon would continue to drop to the center of the singularity.

Or it can start to orbit the center of the black hole. And in this case, the wormhole would be something different than we have thought. The idea is that the black hole is acting like some super-neutron star. So if the material would orbit the center of the black hole near inside the event horizon, there is a possibility that it can escape from the poles of this object. So the magnetic forces inside the event horizon would transfer material to the poles, and because of the rotation speed of the black hole is chancing, that causes the small changes of the form of that object. 

During this process, the material can escape from the black hole, and that thing is visible as the X-ray bursts, which is coming out from the poles of the black hole. When singularity is changing its form, the material, what speed is near the speed of light can drop out from the event horizon, and that causes the radiation, what comes out from the poles of this object. 

Cygnus X-1 the stellar-mass black hole (2)

The Cygnus X-1 is the pair of the double star system, which means that it sends X-ray radiation all the time. That radiation has been told to researchers that there is a very massive object in that system. The thing is that in this place, where that X-ray transmitter is has been the star, what mass has been about four times of the Sun. That star has been exploded as the supernova and loses its mass. And the other star, what was orbiting that transforming star has been also pumped extra-energy to that star, what is the black hole, known Cygnus X-1. 

The thing is that the black holes are forming in the star systems, where is multiple stars can be lighter than black holes, which is forming when lonely stars were exploded. The explosion causes that other stars of the star system are flashing, and pumping the energy to the supernova, which can form the black hole. And in those cases, the needed mass of the star can be a little bit smaller than in the cases of lonely stars. And during the supernova explosion, the remarkable mass of material of the star is transforming to energy. 


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