Fungi, what eats radiation is true
1) Fungi eat radiation
How fungi eat radiation? It just pulls the alpha-ions or electrons from the air to the structures, what is acting like mitochondria. The fungus can make it by using an electric pulling force, which makes ions and electric particles come to it.
The fungi, that are found from the walls of Chernobyl are giving the new visions for the new type of sensors and extraterrestrial life. At the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl lives strange fungi, which seem to look for radioactive sources. That fungi are really interesting because they can be used to detect the radioactive sources, and that can be used to find things like radioactive bites, what are in nature, or they can detect radon or some other radiation sources.
The thing is that the fungi can also be used to clean radioactive areas. In this case, to the polluted area would deliver the germs of that fungi, and then it would tie the radioactive material in it. Or even if it would just grow over the radioactive dust, that can help the cleaning process, because fungi can detect the smallest bites of radioactive dust. and it could remove the radioactive ions and electrons from the air.
But it can be used also for protecting astronauts because it seems to feed radiation. The ability to feed radiation would cause new theories about the form of the extraterrestrial lifeforms.
2) Cosmobiologic aspect
2.1 Does the fungus use the beta or alpha-radiation for the same purposes as the vegetables use chlorophyll?
The fungus, what is found on Chernobyl might have its version of chlorophyll, which acts like a radio receiver. In this case, the fungus would benefit the beta-radiation for creating the energy, but it can also use alpha-ions or helium nucleus for the same purposes, where the regular vegetables use the mitochondria.
In this case, the fungus is pulling the alpha-ions from the air by using a magnet, or electric cells, which would pull the ion to the fungus. Or maybe it releases electrons from some special cells, and they are causing an electrochemical process, which causes a similar reaction with the light in mitochondria.
2.2) Could there be species in the universe, which use ultraviolet, X-ray or gamma-ray radiation for the same purposes, where the vegetables use visible light.
When we are looking at those fungi, we can start to think about the possibility, that we must somehow re-estimate the probability to the finding carbon-based lifeforms also in the planets, what are under the heavy radiation. That fungus, what is eating radioactive material and even radiation would make me think, that could there be lifeforms, what can use X-ray or other nuclear radiation as fuel.
So the thing why the vegetables have chlorophyll is that they can make energy for their biochemical processes, which makes them make sugars to their metabolism. And the thing is that the vegetables have also mitochondria, what it uses in the dark time for producing energy. That means that some species could use high-energy radiation like UV as the power source, which makes it possible that there could be the lifeforms also on the planets, where is the high-level ultraviolet radiation.
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