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Wonderful idea, what if we would abjure the clock for metering working time, and start to use the result-based method?

Wonderful idea, what if we would abjure the clock for metering working time, and start to use the result-based method?

1) What if the clock-card is replaced with a model, where the work is done when a worker reaches the goal? 

What if the clock-based work time would be removed, and the next way to make the working time description, we would replace the clock by using the result-based description. That means that when the worker reaches the goal, that person is free to go home. What would you like that thing?

So what if the time-based work-time description would be replaced by the work-based model? The idea in this model is when the work is done the day is ending. The problem is that some people afraid that the work would not be done properly.

This idea is not very new, and it is taken from the late 19th. century factories. In those factories were two clocks, one was showing the real-time, and the second clock was showing how well workers have done the work. If the "work clock" was ahead the time, the workers crossed their aim, and if that clock runs late, the workers are late from the goal, which is set to them. And that thing was one thing, what caused very much critics against that system.

So what is the problem with the result-based metering of the working time? The problem is that this thing has been afraid to increase botching, and that's why it is not very popular. Sometimes there are the goal or result-based working time in the sales companies, where the salesman has a goal, how many products that person should sell, and when the goal is reached, that person can go home. But this is the thing, that is not fitting to every sector in business life.

The goal- or result based working contract has been a very useful tool to motivate salesmen, and sometimes in those companies is also the system, that the salesman, who would go under the goal would divorce from the company. That kind of things are extremely motivating, but it causes stress for worker.

Independent work is the thing, what people should think about in companies. The problem with remote- or independent work is that that people are using that opportunity for things, where that thing is not meant to use. And if a person is working in a self-controlling environment, that means that the work should be done.

2) Remote work is a good example, how the wonderful idea can turn to a nightmare if persons would not follow regulations. 

Remote work is a very effective and cost-friendly thing to make jobs, but if there is some kind of problems in the time use, that thing doesn't work. So in theory, the remote work is a solution for transportation and carbon monoxide problems, but that requires, that the person would make jobs, and that doesn't always work, because of there are many other objects for interest, and that is sometimes causing problems for focusing attention to working duties. This means that the things, what are seeming wonderful in the beginning might turn to nightmare.

So the remote working might mean loneliness and loss of the real-life social contacts. That means that discussions and other things, that are enriching the physical working environment are missing in the remote working. The ability for independent remote-working means that a person must keep the focus on the work.

And the second thing, what is needed is the working skills. That means that a person must handle systems, what they use, and then they must also have skills to solve problems before they can let go with their works in a remote working position.


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