Wednesday, February 26, 2020

How false can be the identity, what a person makes by using social media?

How false can be the identity, what a person makes by using social media?

1)Think job interview as dates. They are events, where we should show our best sides. 

Social media is telling lies because everybody of us wants to show the best view of ourselves. And this is the thing, that is a problematic thing when we are thinking about dating and application. The thing is that in social media people can use faked images, and show only things, that they want. The question is, is that wrong?

Every kind of application is involving data, what we are thinking of giving us benefit for that election process, and even if paper applications people usually used a better skirt than normally. But the thing is that the data, what people are giving in the application might involve data, which seems too vague.

When people are writing, that they were the leaders of some kind of coding team, they normally forget to tell how many lines of code they have written during their life. Many times the applications are full of stories about leadership and other kinds of things, and the problem is that the company is looking for an expert, who can lead the team, but also control and advise henchmen. 

2) Leaders must work as superior and control the work of their henchmen

The thing is that people should know, that they should know how to makes things right before they would start to work as a team leader. But the road to expert, and from expert to team leader, who is leading the team of experts and supervises their work is very long and sometimes very hard.

So what kind of things persons should bring to the front of electors when they are making a CV and application? The thing is that everybody wants to show their best sides in that kind of case. And the thing, that a person leaves out from those texts has also meaning.

Even a long hole in the working experience is tolerated if there is some positive explanation for that thing, and that explanation can be that person has studied in University and graduated as the Ph.D. In those cases the explanation is positive and that thing seems good. But unexplained holes are very dangerous.

3) Applicant should be honest, but at the same time highlight own strong sides. 

So what kind of attitude the applicant should have? Here are the famous words: "In my opinion".  The applicant should think about the job searching process like dating. The result for nice dates could be a long and serious relationship and in the working interview people should highlight their strong sides, but also confess that there "might be some problems" with some duties, what a person has ever done.

Good answers in those cases are "I know what that means" or "I have done those processes 15 years ago" if that is true. The thing, what those people should avoid is giving too good image to the company because disappointments are a bad thing. And if an applicant chooses some role, that person should remember, that this maintaining that role can take even the rest of the working life.

4) Think about what people are not telling in CV

That is the problem with working applications and CV:s. People should say only good things about themselves. It's not wrong to show the best side of self in the application. But there are some things, what people are not thinking very often. That thing is that when the application is on the table, people should think that this is the opportunity. Waiting too long means that the opportunity goes to another. Places are not waiting, and the thinking about the benefits of what to ask must be done immediately, and in that case, we should remember our positions.

Maybe we have a long career behind us, but if the person asks too much, that means that the contract is not made. And every extra benefit like gyms and other things must be written and increase to contracts before it's on the table.

So how to make extra benefits to the job interview. The key element is to take skills, what other people might have not. Language skills are excellent, because of person, who has studied strong linguistic skills are hard to replace. Those kinds of skills are connected to a person not some kind of system. And that's why people should increase this kind of skill because that kind of thing is their own.

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