Tuesday, February 25, 2020

How robots are operating in the warehouses?

How robots are operating in the warehouses?

1) Movements and driving instructions of robots can be taken from the traffic instructions. 

Modern warehouse and artificial intelligence are a really good combination because warehouses are limited areas, where robots can interact with cameras and other sensors. That means that in the memory of the computer, what is controlling the robots inside the building is stored on the map, where is located tho position of each group of the products. That means that the robot can go to the position, where that merchandise is.

When robots are moving from one place to another, they must have rules, that they are following. That means that the lanes between the racks can be operated as a normal highway. There could be used the rules, which are copied from the traffic instructions. When the regulations for the movements of robots are clear, there would not be the collimations, and damages to the packages or robot itself.

So the robot can go in that part of the building, and if each merchandise is marked by using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) system, the robots would find the merchandise very easily, and in this case, this system would connect anti-thief and service in this particular system. The robots that are operating in that place don't need sophisticated artificial intelligence or sensors packages, the sensors that are used to control those robots can be fixed, and the movements of the people at the working area can prohibit when robots are working.

2) The safety of the work is always important. 

The system would see the robot all the time, and the cameras that are at the warehouse can follow the location of each robot. And that makes robots cheaper. When robots would load the merchandise the RFID sensor would tell a manipulator, where each merchandise is. When the group of certain products is put in the racks, the system would read those transmitters, and then the place of that merchandise is stored in the computer memory.

That makes the system flexible and allows store special products or small payments in the rack, and if the robot would need to collect the stuff from the rack, the system would have the information, where each box is found, and when the robot would get a mission to collect stuff, the artificial intelligence would also give orders, what is the order of unloading the cargo. And that would tell the robot the order to make the burden.

3) Minimizing the movements  of robots minimizes possibilities to physical damages

If the merchandise is loaded to the delivery vehicle, the easiest and shortest road would be the parameter, which the computer uses to load merchandise to that vehicle. The idea is that the driver must not make extra movements like remove the merchandise from the lorry or van and reload it. That means that products are easy to take out of the vehicle and give to the customer.

But let's go back to the warehouse, and why that merchandise should be in the groups is that the robot must not make unnecessary movements. That would make the operations easier, and the probability that there would be damages to packages or robot itself is minimized.

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