Monday, February 24, 2020

The computer, god and universe

The computer, god and universe

1) The universe is the reality

The universe is so interesting and fascinating place, and when somebody asks, what there could be found, I would answer "ask rather, what there cannot be found". The list would be shorter. The thing is that the universe is full of miracles, what are waiting for their founders, and this is the thing, that we should understand when we are discussing the possibilities, what we can find from that place. 

One of the biggest things, that we must also realize is that every part of the material and other things are part of the universe. And when we are researching the smallest and shorter living particles, what are found from the universe, we are also searching the things, what those particles can form. And the smallest particles in the universe are forming the largest entirety, what we can observe. The name of that thing is the Universe.

1.1) What if we would be computer programs? Would our way to see things be different than it is now?

In some philosophical thoughts, the entire reality is the computer program, and we would live in the memory of the giant supercomputer, but that thing would be only thought. The thing is that if we would be the computer programs in some supercomputer, the master control of that system would be the god. So if the master control would live outside the system. 

But if the master control lives inside this system, the destruction of the system means also the destruction of the master controller, and that means that only the creature, what would be outside of the system can be the real god. The outsider can make everything, what that creature wants, but the system itself would give the limits to the creature, what is inside it. 

So when we are thinking about the material, we can ask is the soul material as well as the other things. And at this time you will ask, am I an atheist? This is a very interesting question because that thing needs a description of the word "God". And if people say that I'm a materialist they should also ask, would I believe that God is material, and that means that the god would be the creature, what has superior abilities for us, and that thing makes this kind of thing so interesting. 

Sometimes there has been explained the question, why aliens would not answer that they are already here, and those creatures would live in the undercover bases somewhere in Antarctica. Or they might have that base in the middle of the cities, and that makes hard to find those things. But those things are pure theories. And the question is, what would the humanoids do, if we would enter their base?

2) Would the hypothetical humanoid kill other intelligent species, or just take individuals under the control?

Would the civilized civilization use the deadly force against others? They might have so-called "Sirius-pistols", the electromagnetic transmitters, which would make them able to control other intelligent species. 

That system would be the radio high-power radio transmitter, which would be adjusted to the frequency, where the radio waves are inducting to the nervous system. And that thing would transmit the signals from the user's nervous system, which would cover the target's nervous electricity. Or they can use recorded transmitting, which makes the victim some kind of "peace creature". This is the thing, that makes this kind of technology very interesting. It's better to take enemies under the control than kill those things. 

If the soul is the operating system of the neurons, that thing brings one question in my mind, and that thing is, could somebody program artificial soul to the people. In theory, that thing can be made by using the common programming languages, and the written codes would be transformed into electric impulses, which are conducted to the brains of the person. 

But let's go back to think about the material, and it's largest known form the Universe. There are billions and billions of objects in that thing and also material, what is inside a human being is part of the universe. That means that we are all part of the giant entirety, we are not separated from the cosmos, even if we want that thing.

3) What if we would turn the grasshopper-civilization ourselves?

And until we are flying to star, we are connected to our home planet. So if we are continuing this kind of advantage, our fate would be burn when the sun grows to a red giant and burns the Earth. So we can choose two ways to make evasion. One is to build giant space stations and spacecraft, what would take our entire civilization to the other star, or stay in this solar system, and live in the giant Dyson's spheres. This might be the route, that we can choose. But we can go to another solar system, and maybe there is the planet, what we could terraform. 

Or would we choose the route, that we would create the systems, what can destroy entire planets and explode stars as supernovas? This thing would seem very addictive, and if we would create the machines, what can destroy entire planets, and then pull the material to the factory, we would turn the worst thing, what we can imagine. 

Exploding stars would be done by using laser satellites, which will surround that thing. Each satellite would have laser, and then that system would allow pumping energy to laser, what is targeted to star, and the rise of the energy will make the giant explosion. Another version would shoot the antimatter ions to the star, which makes it explode. The needed antimatter system would not be big, and the 500 grams of antimatter can cause a huge explosion. 

4) Could terraformation other worlds give possibilities to solving problems with overpopulation and pollution

Those things are only thoughts about the things, what might happen after a couple of thousand years. If we would not destroy ourselves with our planet. Before we will not terraform any planet, Earth is our home, do we want that or not. When we are looking at the articles, what are telling stories about terraformation, we must realize that we are not terraformed a single planet yeat. And until we have made that process, we must realize that we must live on Earth. 

Terraformation of the other planets would give answers to the problems of overpopulation and pollution, but the thing is that we cannot continue pollution anymore. In our solar system is only a couple of planets, what we can terraform, and those planets are Venus and Mars. And the success of that operation is not guaranteed. And even if we would start that process, it would take thousands of years before we can move to those planets. 

4.1) The only planet that seems suitable for terraformation is Venus, and the process will take hundreds or even thousands of years. An

If we are thinking of a suitable planet for the terraforming process, planet Venus would be the most suitable for that kind of operation. The atmosphere of that planet could bomb with radio waves and laser rays, which makes the sulfur acid molecules breaking. That would increase the speed of the effect of the organisms, which are used in that operation. But there is a possibility, that Venus would be too hot for people, who do not use protective clothes anyway because of its closer the Sun than Earth and the radiation of the Sun would be more powerful. 

The problem with planet Mars is that the weak gravity and loss of the magnetic field causes that the atmosphere of that planet would escape to space. Or the entire planet can be covered by giant greenhouses, what mission is to deny the leak of the gas, and also protect personnel against ultraviolet radiation. 

And even if we would start the terraformation with Venus, that process would take a long time. So what is the problem with terraformation? The problem is that would we think that terraforming allows that we can continue our lifestyle on that terraformed planet? And when we have polluted that place, we will go to some other planet and continue that way to act. 

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