Monday, February 24, 2020

Who are the children of darkness?

Who are the children of darkness?

1) Does that term mean, that the identity of the commander should check, before taking the commands

When we are thinking about the ancient mythologies, we are finding mentions about the "children of darkness" or "crew of the night". The thing, that the "darkness" means is a mystery. There is not mentioned in the form of the darkness, and sometimes there is told stories, that the "children of darkness" are some small-sized people, who are following the voice, and orders, what are coming from some source, what normal people couldn't see. So the "darkness" is the creature, what sits or stands in some locker, and tells the followers what they should do. 

They who are serving darkness is a very interesting term because there is not mentioned, what would those people are serving. At first, that feels to mean the situation, that the person stands outside the cave, and obeys something, what is inside the cave, and that person would not even see the thing, what is giving orders to our main character. So the thing is that the "darkness", what those people are serving would be something, that hides its identity. 

And maybe the purpose of those stories about the "crew of the darkness" is just telling people, that they should confirm the identity of the person, who is giving their orders because if the person is changed, the results would be devastating. But the term "children of the darkness" might mean persons, who are easy to control. Those people would not have the ability to criticize their rulers and that means that they would not probably even know how to write or read. That thing would make them easy to control by using some kind of pseudo magic like LSD. 

2) A futuristic version of the answer would be that term means the black hole, which is used in the communication between stars. 

The futuristic version of this myth is that if in some room would be the singularity, what is used as the communication tool. that thing would look like emptiness and darkness. That tool can be created in the future for communication and research tools for handling interstellar distances, where information travels even years. 

But there is also one thing, what might be a very interesting detail, and that thing is connected with the singularity. The singularity is the thing, what is one of the most fascinating things in the world, and if there is somewhere the singularity or small-sized black hole, that thing can communicate between stars. The radio waves could send to the receiver by using the wormhole, but that thing would be an interesting thing that can be done in the distant future. 

In this case, the spacecraft would be acting like some spiders, which are always creating the fibers, and in this hypothetical version the spacecraft would follow the wormhole after it, and then fly between the stars by using the artificial small-sized black hole in both purposes. That artificial singularity would pull the material through the spacecraft's WARP-motor, and the same system can be used as the communication between Earth and our Hypothetical spacecraft. 

2.1) The impacting speed is the speed of object one adding to the speed of object two (object 1 + object 2). And another object can be in the gas formation. 

If the speed of the hypothetical spacecraft is near the speed of light, and then it would go to the same line but the opposite direction of the material what is pulling to the black hole, that thing would cause that the impacting speed with particles and spacecraft would be higher than the speed of light. So the spacecraft must just increase the speed to the speed of light ad then form the singularity behind it. 

The spacecraft would accelerate near the speed of the light, and then the black hole would pull material backward. That would increase the impact speed between material and spacecraft very high, and that speed is very easy to calculate by adding the speed is incoming material to the speed of our hypothetical spacecraft (speed of spacecraft + speed of incoming material). So that thing can cause the effect, where the relative impacting speed of material and spacecraft is higher than the speed of the light. 

Even the small-size wormhole would allow controlling remote-controlled robots at another solar system. And the thing would allow giving a very fascinating vision of tomorrow. The idea is that the Einstein-Rose bridge can be used for communication and remote controlling robots from great distances. But those things would be the tools of tomorrow. And this is one of the futuristic visions for that kind of thing. 

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