Thursday, April 30, 2020

Can the laptop-size quantum computer be possible?

Can the laptop-size quantum computer be possible?

The answer to that question is that the interface of the quantum computer can be operated through the Internet by using VPN-connection and in this case, the remote-operation system can be connected to a laptop wirelessly. If the connection is fast the solution is working smoothly and effectively. 

Because of the remote-operated quantum computer acts like web-server and the computing happens in the quantum system. The quantum computer will send the solution for the problem to the remote computer, and the things, that hold slowing that process are the limits of the laptop and WLAN-system.

Why quantum computer is so effective

When we are looking at the 500 most powerful supercomputers in the world, we are seeing that those machines are impressive. But those systems have only the one layer, where they can process information, and this is the thing, that makes people think about creating quantum computers. The thing, what makes quantum computer different than the regular computer is that this system process data in multiple layers, and that means that the quantum computer can make multiple operands at the same time.

And that thing makes them so interesting. At the same time, when we are thinking possibilities how to make the quantum computer, we are learning new things about the human intellect. One of the most remarkable thing, what human brains can do is the make visions, or handle the productive and theoretical way of thinking, what makes brains able to process problem.

Processing the problem is one type of warping of data, which travels in the axons. That process happens when the data travels through the crossroads of the neurons. While data travels through those points, there is connected new data and some data will be removed. And that causes the transformation of the problem. This transformation is called spontaneous handling of the problem.

In this case, the main topics are that productive thinking is transforming the data by connecting the data from memory with the data, what is collected by using sensors. That thing means that the image is transforming to some other, and this thing is the abstraction. And when we are thinking that this process happens spontaneously, we might ask, can we ever control things, what is happening in the imagination? Or can we ever fully control things, what we are learning?

And what makes people learning things is opportunity and motive. But the brains need images and the memories for starting the creation process because the imagination is not a fully spontaneous thing. Brains need also material, which can be transformed into other things while the person is sleeping or other ways work with those things.

So is the computer dangerous if it learns spontaneously? The question involves the idea that the computer or artificial intelligence can learn things, what the controller of the system doesn't even know. That thing can cause that system to start acting unexpectedly. 

Normally every action of the computer system is made the programmers, but in spontaneously learning systems the spontaneous learning can cause that the system would acting way, which is unexpected. And one example is the industry robot, which sees boxing on the screen. If there are certain words like visual learning master-password in that screen, that thing can cause that the algorithm starts to record that action, and then the industrial robot would punch the other robots or humans.

The thing that makes us dangerous is the ability to think abstraction. Abstraction is considering things like the ability to ask a question, "what if that house is mine?". The thing that makes the abstraction dangerous is that in the imagination consists also the dark side of human nature.

Nanotubes and binary computers are acting like human brains in quantum computers

1) Nanotubes and binary computers are acting like human brains in quantum computers

The quantum computer and abiogenesis are things, which are near each other. The quantum computer can control the manufacturing platforms like human controls the same systems. But what would be the form of this magnificent machine? 

And the thing in this kind of system is the ability to process its data is depending on the layers of the qubit. The qubit delivers data to the binary computer or the algorithm that will transfer and translate that data to the operating system that will run over the binary microprocessor. The mission of those layers is to translate the multi-dimensional data to a binary form that it can read from the screen. 

The qubit can be the ball-shaped structure, which travels inside the nanotubes, and inside that fullerene, the ball is the molecule that is frozen in the extremely cold temperature, and when that molecule touches the internal layer of the ball, that thing gives the second series of layers to the qubit. 

2) In this case, I presume that those traveling qubits are fullerenes. If those things are two internal fullerene molecules where the internal molecule is ⁶⁰C molecule and the outer layer is ¹²⁰C size fullerene the qubit would have 180 layers if we are calculating zero or "cutting power" electricity as one layer. 

Then the internal qubit will hit the internal layer of the ball, and that sends the signal to the nanotube, which is part of the internal structure of the quantum computer. After that, the nanoballs are traveling in the nanotube, which is surrounded by small cables, which are connected to each carbon line. 

So the image of this kind of connection looks like axons of the neuron, where the supporting cells are replaced by normal computers, which is using the binary system. The mission of those computers is similar to support cells of the neuron. They would send the electricity to the quantum level and then pick up the data from those tubes. And also their mission is to protect it from the quantum layer from the disturbing electromagnetic signals.

3) And the mission of those structures is to deliver the layer of the qubit to the normal computer. So the qubit can have two layers inside it the outer layer, what touches the layer of the nanotube, and the small molecule what hovers in that moving chamber and allows to give the extra layers to that structure, what is in the key element in the quantum computer. 

The thing is that the quantum computer would be in this case as the series of tubes, where the qubits are moving. The size of those systems is unlimited. So they can be the size of cities. And even if that kind of quantum computer would be connected to the production line, that thing can make many processes very powerful. 

But can the quantum computer be dangerous? Here we must realize that the quantum computer can communicate with sophisticated robots, which are controlled by normal computers. The normal computers are enough for operating the automatized aircraft or some other things. This thing is remarkable when we are thinking about the quantum computer and its abilities. 

The element 106, seaborgium (Sg), and could it replace the depleted uranium?

The element 106, seaborgium (Sg), and could it replace the depleted uranium?

The thing, that would be different in the modern alchemy than in the ancient version of alchemy is that in classic chemistry the chemists could effect only on the electron layer of the atom. In the modern world alchemy is the ability to create new elements by using the particle accelerators, which are colliding ions in the long tube. That thing makes possible to create the environment, where the new particles would be formed by using fusion technology. 

So when we are looking at the periodic table of elements, we can see that there are lots of elements, that are created artificially. The difference between those physically produced elements like Lawrencium (Lr) and the insulated elements like Radium (Rn) is that the first one is not found an entire universe, but they can produce limitless. 

The thing is that some of the chemical similarities between the actinides and stable elements, we can notice that element seaborgium (Sg) (atomic number 106) has similar chemical features with the wolfram (W), which is commonly used in anti-tank projectiles. So what if we would replace the wolfram by using seaborgium? 

The problem is that the half-time of the longest living seaborgium isotope ²⁶⁹Sg is 14 minutes. So making the next thing true that element must be produced in the tank or aircraft by using the very advanced particle accelerator. So this is why this kind of research is only a theoretical level, but maybe by using nanotechnology, what is making an extremely small crystal of seaborgium, what can be made in the chamber and then put on the nose of the bullet. 

The needed elements would be shoot in the chamber by using the accelerator, what has been made by using the nanotubes, what are injecting the alpha-decays (helium ions) to californium 249 target, same way what was used in the first time production of seaborgium(1). So if that system couöd install in the aircraft, that allows creating the thing, what makes GAU-8 "Avenger" look like a toy. 

In this solution on the front of the ammunition would be the bite of the californium, and then the system would target the alpha-ray injection to that point. That thing allows creating seaborgium at the vehicle. Another way is to cover the ammunition like wolfram sabot by a thin layer of the californium and then start the alpha bombardment. 

That kind of projectile would replace the uranium ammunition and the fission effect and the penetration of the ammunition would be better because of the hardness of the uranium in the Mohs-scale is 6 and I predict that the hardness of seaborgium with the same scale is 7,5. So that thing could combine the benefits of uranium and wolfram ammunition. 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Why the manipulation of dreams is dangerous?

Why the manipulation of dreams is dangerous?

1) The dream manipulation could be the next-generation psychological interrogation, which will break the victim. 

The manipulation of dreams can be the ultimate tool for interrogation staff. That thing can cause that the victim is unable to sleep, because of nightmares. And that thing makes it easier to break the will of those individuals. The manipulation can be given by stimulating the areas, what is controlling fear by using the electromagnetic stimulation. 

When we are thinking about the possibility, that somebody would control the dreams of people, we can remember the horror-movie series "Nightmare on Elm Street", where the dead serial killer came in the dreams of the people. The thing is that this story based the old legend of the witch, which could transfer its mind to the babies. 

There are many legends of this kind of topic, and one is that the "Men in Black", what are connected to UFOs would stress fetuses by using electromagnetic or radio radiation. If that system exists, that thing makes it possible to transfer data to the nervous system. 

Also, there are rumors about the pistol- or hairdryer looking electromagnetic pistol, which will be used or attempted to use by programming natural animals to acting like trained animals, which means that the system operator would train every animal to follow orders in seconds or minutes. So in the operational area, where that kind of system is used every single animal can turn to the guardian or they can hunt every people, what dare to come in some area.

2) The electromagnetic impulse can destroy the respiratory center in brains or it can use in the ultimate psychological torture. 

But when we are thinking about the nightmares, where is portraying the same character all the time, that thing might cover the electromagnetic system, what is targeted to human or animal. And that thing can open the road to the most horrifying systems in the world. 

One version of this system would be drones, making an electric arc to the respiratory center, and that thing is one of the most fatal things, what man can face. The other and even more terrifying thing could be that the centers, what is controlling fear would be stimulated by using electromagnetic radiation. That thing can cause the ultimate fear, and at least the people who have cardiac problems can even be killed by that kind of thing. 

3) The "Freddy Kruger glove" could be more dangerous than we ever imagine

The thing is sometimes I have thought that the "Freddy Kruger" glove where is four blades can be more devastating than people might ever think. In those blades can be the radio-transmitters, what is connected to the microcircuit, what is taken from the electric baton. If that thing works, it would make an electric arc to the target. So this is one version, what that thing can do in the wrong hands. 

And when we are thinking about the ability to send the electric pulses, what have the same image, what our neural electricity has, we can program the brains of the person again. So this could be the modern horror-story of the combination of the high-tech and psychological effects, which can be very deadly, and that's why we should think deeply the development of the electromagnetic weapons

Could black holes be wormholes?

Could black holes be wormholes?

Can the black hole be the wormhole? That is one of the best questions in the world. The second question, what is the same way interesting is, are every black holes wormhole. This is one of the most important things, what we should think when we are trying to make theories about the wormholes and their effect on space-time. 

So the form of the wormhole is the energy tunnel through space and time, but then we must ask is the wormhole, if it exists the common effect between two black holes or is it the thing, what is possible only between supermassive black holes? The idea is that when the black hole would send the gamma-ray radiation through space and the radiation touches another gamma-ray radiation ray, what comes from another black hole, that thing creates the energy bridge between those black holes. 

There are six important questions about wormholes

1) Are both sides of wormhole pulling the material inside the wormhole?

2) Could the wormhole forming between every black hole?

3) Would the wormhole begin in the event horizon or inside it?

4) If the wormhole is forming between two black holes, would it cause that those black holes will impact because the wormhole is pulling them together?

5) If the particle is dropping in the wormhole, would it drop back in the black hole and continue the back and forth movement until the black holes are vaporized or impacted together?

6) Could the fusion reaction happen in the wormhole?

But if we would want to use those things for traveling, we must realize, that if the wormhole is forming between two black holes. That means that from both sides of the wormhole would be pulled material in that tunnel, and that means that the radiation in that tunnel is extremely powerful because the particles, what both black holes would pull in it, will impact together. This thing causes a high-energy reaction in that energy tunnel, and the material will turn in the fusion to another. 

So could the new black hole forming in the wormhole, and would that thing pull the two original black holes to the giant bubble or the giant new black hole? This is one of the most interesting ideas of the black holes, what has been ever created. 

And when we are thinking about the effect of the black hole, it is interacting with its environment. When we are thinking about the wormholes and their relationship with black holes, the interesting thing is the precise point, where the hypothetical wormhole will begin? Does it begin at the event horizon or inside it? 

If the wormhole or the tunnel to another black hole will begin inside the event horizon, the use of that thing requires the craft, what will travel in the speed of light, because of tidal forces near the singularity and event horizons are so powerful that if the speed is slower than the speed of light, the craft would scratch in bites. And the second thing, what is also important is does the direction where the object will approach the black hole matter? 

So could the object benefit the wormhole, regardless of the direction, where it can drop in the black hole? The next question is what happens if the particle would travel through the wormhole? Would it just drop back to another black hole, and start to travel in the wormhole black and forth endlessly between two black holes. 

And the last thing, what we should ask, what kind of a couple of black holes makes stable wormhole possible? What happens if the black holes are the couple, where the other participant would be a supermassive black hole, and the second one would be Cygnus X-1-type, stellar size black hole? Would the larger participant just pull the smaller one through the wormhole? And would that wormhole, what is forming between the same-size black holes cause that sooner or later those black holes would collide together? 

A large number of neurons guarantee that the damage of the brains is always minimum

A large number of neurons guarantee that the damage of the brains is always minimum 

When we are looking at the brains of the people, we might think that they are acting like an extremely interesting and sophisticated assembly line, what mission is to generate new things. The thing is that in the assembly line is working lots of people, and the missions of those people have been cut to the most minimum parts, what it can be cut. When lots of people are working with the products, the bad job of one worker in the process can cause the most minimum damage, which is possible. And then we can replace the word "worker" by using "neuron" we are realizing the reason, why there are so many neurons in the brains of humans. 

In the brains is so many neurons, because each neuron handles only one mission, and that thing means that if there are damages in those areas the damage, what the destruction of one neuron causes is minimum. The thing, that the brains can do is that they can circle the electric vortex in the brain's structure, which means that the same program or electric vortex can come to the same neuron in many times. That means that the brains can process the data. 

The data processing means that when the problem is traveling in the neural network, the data would be transformed a little bit because it must jump across the synaptic transmission, and when the electric signal would be stored in the neurotransmitter it would change a little bit. That thing causes the data what travel in the neural system would be warped, and that warping is called the processing of the data. The reason why neurons are not touching together is that thing denies the viruses moving from the cell to another. 

Data is an interesting thing because we don't think that thing as a product. Data is somehow a virtual thing, but the thing is that we can calculate it. The role of the qubit is the same in the quantum computer like neurotransmitter has in human brains. In the quantum computer, the role of the synapses can be replaced by using the nanotube. And the quantum computer would imitate the human brains in its processes. So can quantum computers more intelligent than a human being?

The answer is that if the quantum computer would have carbon or fullerene-based qubits, that computer can get over 100 layers, where it can handle data. And if we are thinking about the size of the quantum computers those things can be the size of the city. Even that computers would not able to move, it can remote control robots, which are operated under the control of the wireless network. 

But when we are thinking about the structure of the quantum computer, we must realize that the quantum computer would be the large group of the smaller size units, which are communicating with robots. This means that in the robots or "servants" of that artificial intelligence can have the interface, which would have the ability to communicate with the quantum system. 

So, in this case, the second layer of the computing system would be in the robots themselves. The supercomputing powers those robots get when they are connecting by using a wireless network, and the use of quantum computers need sophisticated artificial intelligence. And that requires the powerful supercomputers, which can preprocess the data for the ultimate quantum computer. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

And what is the description of robots?

And what is the description of robots?

When we are looking at the film "Modern times", what was produced, directed, and manuscript by Charles Chaplin, who also portraits the main character in that movie, we must ask one question for ourselves "would we want to work in that factory?". The thing is that this film was one of the masterpieces of that time, and when somebody says that Chaplin should not do that thing or some people are not like that movie, the answer is that the people make their own decisions what they want to see in movie theaters. 

Somebody says that this way to work in the assembly line is the most effective way to work. But then we must face the truth, and if somebody claims that way to work is funny or pleasing, I must ask how many times that person has been worked in that assembly line. Henry Ford (1863-1947)(1) was one of the greatest capitalists in history, and the result of his company was magnificent, but the problem was that the entire firm was the assembly line and the results what that company made went in the pockets of the Henry Ford. 

The thing, that made the assembly line so effective and superior was that the persons, who worked in that place were easy to change. This was a good motivation for people, who wanted to go to school. And sometimes people have introduced an idea that factories, what are using assembly lines would be used to motivator, that people would attend universities or career colleges. 

The idea of the assembly lines is that those people, who are working in that place are working with things like Lego. Those bites, what they are handling are made ready put together, and very each sequence of that type of production is handled by the one person. That thing that is called mass-production has been later transferred to the shipyards by the second genius of the elementary building.  

That man was Henry Kaiser (1887-1967)(2), the man who played the key role in the construction of things like the Hoover dam and "Liberty ships". Those ships were built using the same method, which was used in Ford's factory. The factories inside the USA built the parcels or elements of the ships, and then those elements transported to shipyards when they put together. 

And the idea what Henry Kaiser introduced was that every kind of ship could build by using the same methods. The thing that the elements of the ships could build in the different places guaranteed that the wrong persons couldn't see secret systems what were pre-assembled in certain elements. And only the most trusted people could handle the assembling of those parts, what have included things, what other people should not see. 

Some people think that the robot is the machine or automaton, what learns the movement tracks and that means that the machine can do many things. The thing, why human-shaped robots are interesting is that they can be used with the same equipment with the human, and that makes them a sophisticated tool. And the role of the robots in the stealth-missions would deny the hacking of that thing and take that aircraft under the control. In the robot factory, the man-shaped robot can fix the robots, which are making things in the assembly line, and that thing makes the human worker unnecessary. 

Does the robot or artificial intelligence moral?

Does the robot or artificial intelligence moral?

Here we are facing one of the most remarkable things, what we always have forgotten about robotics, and that is that a robot is a machine. The same way we might ask does the front loader or car some kind of moral or does the stone have a moral? The thing is that every solution, what computer or robot makes is programmed by the programmer. And here we are coming to one other remarkable thing.

The combat robots, what are the most feared killing machines on our planet are only the top of the developing and evolution, what became from the Roman catapults, the most common hobby for mankind seems to kill other mankind. And this is one of the saddest and at the same time the most interesting thing in the history of evolution. Why we are so violent species?

When we are thinking about the nanomachines or robot bugs they can be the next-generation weapons of mass destruction. The robot bugs would be released to the combat zone, and then they will pull the cells of the combatants in them. After that those robots would kill those cells, and inject them back to the victim. This is one of the most terrifying things, that robots can make.

But the thing is that the same robots can inject vaccines in a large number of people. And that makes them double-use systems. The thing is that there is a lot of things that are very lethal in the wrong hands. One of those things is the kitchen knife, which is one of the most common weapons, which is used in domestic violence. Nobody says that the fault of the crime is the kitchen knife. The user of that thing is the person who makes the crime.

When we are thinking about the question, what is the thing like working day, we can simply think that it is a series of movements. That is the only thing, what person must do while that day. And at this point, we are talking about things, what we are seeing outwards. The thing, that we are seeing outwards is the thing that the boss will deny or accept.

And then we are going to the world of artificial intelligence and robotics, we must remember that the robot can also be a mechanic. So computers or artificial intelligence is not always connected to the robot. The thing that we are calling artificial intelligence is the machine, which can autonomously learn new things, and the things, that those machines are learning are the new series of movements.

Now it's good time to think about the future

Now it's good time to think about the future

Somebody said that year 2020 is the worst in human history, because of the coronavirus. But I think that when we are sitting in quarantine and afraid every single cough, we can make some productive things, and think deeply, where the world is going on. The thing is that the best and the most effective way to limit the pandemics is prohibiting the flying because that thing is so fast, that the symptoms of the person would not start in the aircraft. So if we would travel by using slower methods, the quarantine can be start and the ship can be isolated. But the thing is that this might look too absurd. 

The problem is that the natural resources are ending, and that's why we should think, where to find the new energy sources, and the second problem is how to fix the nature and technology together, that this mixture will serve both human and Earth. The thing is that things like traditional energy sources are ending sooner or later, and if we would want to use things like uranium, we must just take that thing to another planet. 

And even today the digging the uranium, what is the heaviest element in nature is not cheap and easy to dig. Without energy, we cannot make anything with our technology. The thing is that maybe someday in the future, we can create giant generators by using nanotechnology. 

In this kind of visions the atomic size compass needles, and then start to rotate them in the ocean. The idea is that the compass needle, what is forming of three or four atoms would be installed in the frame, which is like a benzene molecule. That ring-looking carbon chain structure would connected iron atoms, which makes it act like stator and the magnetized molecule will rotate in that frame. Those generators would put in the nanotubes, which makes them rotate by the capillary vortex. The trillions of those machines could create energy for the entire human civilization, but this thing would be made in the distant future. 

Even if we are on the top of evolution, we cannot still change our home planet. And if we cannot make a craft, what would have the ability to travel between stars, our end would be the nova explosion of the Sun, or by the way, there have been created the hypothetical technological models, what the entire civilizations would use after the energy production of the star has been ended. 

One of the most interesting ideas is to make the rings, what are circling the white dwarf and the movement of those rings would make them the most awesome generators, what mankind has ever imagined. Those giant wheels would be the result of civilization, what wants to stay at home. 

The second way how the entire civilization can move to other solar systems is the giant wheel, where are lots of cylinders. When the star is starting to explode, the rotating speed of the wheel would have risen in the extremely high level, and when the eruption starts, the cylinders would be released, and they can fly around the universe. 

How can researchers handle noise in quantum computers?

The biggest problem with quantum computers is noise. The quantum noise forms when the quantum system oscillates randomly. The random oscilla...