Friday, May 8, 2020

Biosphere experiments and their connections to Raymond Lindeman


Biosphere experiments and their connections to Raymond Lindeman

Dr. Raymond Lindeman (1915-1942)(1), one of the greatest ecologists in the world, and the man who created theories of the ecosystem. Those theories are important when the food is going to produce in the closed areas and remote environment. 

Raymond Lindeman was the man, who could give much for science and ecology. But sadly that man was living an only short life and the thing, what we must realize is that if Albert Einstein is something in physics, Raymond Lindeman was something in the ecology. The essays, what that man created were revolutionary. 

And things like recycling the food in the lake are opening the researcher's ability to create ideas the closed- or limited area ecosystems. If we are thinking about things like Biosphere II (2)in the Arizona desert that kind of research is really important when the stable bases to the other planets and moons are starting to establish. 

The thing, that Lindeman proved was that every single organism on the Earth and ecosystem is important. The thing, that Biosphere II was proven is that the entirety like ants, bugs, bacteria, and fungus are important for the ecosystem. If some part of the ecological entirety has been lost, the result would be catastrophic. So when the ecosystem is starting to model to the space station the thing, is that every part of this kind of project must work properly. 

The idea of the modeled ecosystem is that the food and possible cotton can grow inside the space station, which decreases the transportation payments. And that allows making clothes and food in the space stations, what might locate at Moon. The problem with that place is the low gravity field, which is making it difficult to keep the water in the pool, what the plantation requires. 

But the same technology, what is created for the moon bases can be used more easily in the remote bases at the bottom of oceans, deserts, distant islands, and arctic areas. If we want to establish a base in places like the Southern Shetland Islands, what is located near Antarctica, that thing requires food production or internal food production would make the base cheaper to maintain, because that thing doesn't require the supply flights or supply ships so often. 

That kind of remote area would be extremely good places to test technology, which is required in the long-term spaceflights. But the weak gravity of the moon would cause the idea that the entire food supply can be created in the water tank. If we would make the water tank, where the alga and fish are grown underwater conditions, that allows denying the effect of the cosmic radiation. 




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