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Quadcopters, artificial intelligence, and data security



Quadcopters, artificial intelligence, and data security

1) How to teach artificial intelligence to search for things from images?

Artificial intelligence is the ultimate hacking tool, which transforms traditional systems more effectively. When we are thinking about machine learning, teaching artificial intelligence to search for things automatically is quite easy. In this case, artificial intelligence has a drawing tool, which makes the teaching process easy. The system must have some kind of master images, what can be taken even by using own cell phone. 

Then the person, who teaches artificial intelligence would just use lasso or the cutting box of the system for collecting a database of the objects, what artificial intelligence must find. And then the artificial intelligence would turn the camera to the object, what is similar to the object, what is stored in its memory. Or it can simply show the object to the people, who are using the drawing program, and the person can use the zoom box for that kind of thing. 

2) Algorithms can also read from lips

The artificial intelligence can also read words from lips. An idea for that kind of technology is that the movements of the lips and mouth are recorded when people are using the voice commands of mobile devices, and the system creates a database about the movements of lips, where it connects the recorded voices like words. The program is quite easy to create. The thing that must be done is to write words in the database, and then record the movements of the muscles of the face. 

The thing is that quadcopters can be a very effective tool for stealing passwords and data from computer screens. The quadcopter can just hide behind the window, and search things, what people are doing on their desks, and if the screen is to the window, that allows the quadcopter to see everything, what happens on the screen. 

In this kind of case, the artificial intelligence is giving the ability, what normal quadcopter has. The films, that this drone has been taken can be stored on the hard disks of the computer, and then they can search by using a drawing tool and it's zooming tool. But if the image is searched by using artificial intelligence-based tools, that thing can see many things, which is not noticed by the user, who uses regular software. 

3) Modern drones are effective tools for surveillance missions

The artificial intelligence allows that the drone can be farther than a conventional drone, and the algorithm might search words like "confidential", "secret" and names of banks and other kinds of things like the CAD-drawings. The artificial intelligence can handle entireties better way and that allows that the system can search those words, what are meaning that the thing, what is done by that kind of tool is some kind of confidential. 

An ability to handle great entireties makes possible that artificial intelligence can search that kind of material, and then zoom the camera to each window, where it notices interesting things very rapidly, and artificial intelligence can switch the targeted window very fast. This kind of system can observe many targets by using one camera, where can be connected to the small-size zooming objective. Also, things like re-pixelating and refilling the lost pixels are allowing that the normal cameras are getting more data than ever before. The quadcopter will hover in one place under the control of the GPS, which is making the hovering stable. 

Of course, quadcopters can also use laser microphones for recording things behind the window. But the quadcopters can be more sophisticated than this. They might have the manipulators, which can install the eavesdropping tools to the window, or they can slip things like endoscope through the holes of the ventilation. By using the manipulators the modern quadcopters can also install the network tools like "bandit stations" to the WLAN-support stations and also they can carry honey-pot WLAN-stations inside the building. 



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