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The Second World War ever ends

The Second World War ever ends

There are many different kinds of interprets of the roles of different nations in the Second World War. That war was the thing, that modeled entire Europe, and that means that the Nazi-era is a thing, that is very sensitive for many Eastern European countries. 

When the Second World War began there were also other allies for Nazi-Germany than Italy. Hungary, Romania, Finland, and Slovakia fought along with the German army during WWII. When Nazi-government collapsed in the other Eastern European countries were established communist governments except for Finland, what remains as Parliamentarian democracy. 

But when communists took the power, that caused many discussions and showdown between people, who were persecuting communists and people, who took the rule. That means that the roles turned upside down, and then the counter-persecution began. When new rulers asked why some people support Nazis the answer was that they were forced for that kind of action. 

When Hitler was in rule, there were many people, who wanted to be friends with that leader. But then the war was lost, and there happened things during WWII what some people wanted to hide. There were people, who believed the Nazi-ideology, and those people worked along with Gestapo and other organizations. Also, some people sold jews to Nazis for getting benefits.

Jews were problematic for communists because they were trusted workers for resistance. If the communist Jew was captured that thing caused execution. But the ideology of communism is strict atheistic, and that caused problems with NKVD. In Eastern Europe, the resistance was controlled by NKVD and all actions that resistance made must approve by Moscow. Also, the only accepted resistance cells were cells, where NKVD send a commissar that made sure that they were loyal to ideology and "Father Sunshine" Joseph Stalin. 

But there are some other differences with the things, how to read history and the role of the nations in the great conflict. In the former Soviet Union and Russia is always told that the Soviet role in landing on Normandy has been underestimated. When the D-day offensive began the Soviet Union started also large-scale offensive against Germans. And that thing caused that the pressure against Normandy front was lighter than it could be. 

The battles of Stalingrad and Kursk portrayed a great role in WWII but somehow those cases ever mentioned in the common history. But who played the key role in that war? The key element was that allied forces fought together against Hitler. And without support what those nations gave each other was very important in the ending of WWII. So there were many secrets, and people who had something to hide. But they are different stories and the thing is that the propaganda has sometimes distorted the things, what was happen. 



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