Saturday, May 9, 2020

Should we think past or should we turn our time and energy into the future?

Should we think past or should we turn our time and energy into the future?

Sometimes I wonder why some people want to live in the past. Here I mean that history is full of mistakes, and those mistakes are made because the decisions are made by using the data, which exists at that time. History is a very interesting thing because we can learn from the past, that we would ever make fatal mistakes again. When we are looking at things, what is happening in the past, we are facing one very interesting detail, what always dominates our species. 

We are all humans, who are making mistakes. And if the great leader whose decisions are effecting a great group of people are making mistakes, those mistakes affect the same way a large group of people. Being a great leader doesn't mean that person cannot make mistakes. We all make mistakes, and we must live with them. 

In history is many things, what seem like small, when we are seeing them in maps, what are drawn in their period. When 13 colonies of Great Britain at Northern America turned independent, that would seem a small thing. But in modern times the USA is not a small thing. 

But when we are thinking about the way to make decisions between dictatorship and pure democracy, we must realize one thing, we are thinking always far-wing possibilities. Is there any country in the world, what has straight democracy? Most of the nations in the World are republics or the "representative democracies". That means that when people are giving their vote for the candidate, we will give the right to make decisions for the nation to that person. 

And if the decisions are not pleasing us, we would select another candidate during the next election. This way to make decisions is created because the lawmakers need to orientate the texts, what they are making, and that's why there are no straight democracies in the world. The problem with straight democracy is that people are not always thinking about what they are doing, and that makes straight democracy problematic. 

The problem is that when the population of the country is rising there is always many things to do. And when we are looking at the lawbooks they are very thick, because the law text must be precise and easy to understand. Or actually, the thing is that the principle in the law is that we should always follow the law. Law is the thing, that gives rules for the government and regular people, that there is something, that we should understand about the laws. 

Laws are made because, when the rules are clear, everybody must not be told every time, how they must do things. And the laws are made to follow because that makes life easier. Government and laws are made to protect the weaker part. There is also a choice for that kind of thing, and that is returning to the jungle, where the most powerful group takes all. The mission of the government is to make sure that every person will get their bite of the cake, which is called "common good". 

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