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New study claim that aliens don't visit us because our solar system is so boring.

Image 1:) Cosmic (neural) web. 

Well, there are lots of studies. That tries to answer the biggest question in astronomy, why we don't have contact with alien civilizations? Are we alone in the universe? The fact is that we are alone until we will get the first confirmed extraterrestrial message. 

Or we will capture alien spacecraft. Or some kind of alien bodies that confirmed having extraterrestrial origin. Of course, there are many stories about captured alien spacecraft. And there is the film called "alien autopsy". Some explanation for that film is that the thing that opened in that famous film is some kind of mechanic robot. 

That kind of robot could be the Pentagon's military secret. And that could be the reason, why "alien autopsy" looks like a hoax. The reason for that could be that the autopsied alien is made of non-organic material.

One of those explanations is that our signals would not yet reach the alien civilizations. Only intelligent civilizations can make radio telescopes. 

And they are targets of SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence)  programs. But the question is: "where are aliens, and why don't they answer?". 

Image: 2) Is this some kind of robot? That explains the foam rubber and strange things around that film. In that case, the thing that people see in that controversial film could be the multi-channel controlled robot.

If that thing is a robot. That robot can have its radio receiver in every joint. That thing makes that robot could move like a human. The microphones in the ears transmit sound. In the eyes of the system are cameras to transmit things that this robot sees to the controller. 

Or, maybe the "alien autopsy" is a hoax, but why nobody tried to earn money by using that thing? One of the answers could be that the hypothetical aliens don't use regular radios for communication anymore. 

In that case, the aliens can use quantum-entanglement-based communication. That quantum-entanglement-based communication can happen through wormholes. And in the wildest theories, the cosmic neural network is the reason for this kind of communication system. 

The speed of gravitation is the speed of light. But there is a possibility to create a wormhole between stars by using spacecraft. That travels near the speed of light. So pulling the wormhole or gravitational tornado through the Sun and Alpha Centauri takes four years. The system uses superpositioned and entangled black holes that are pulled separately. 

The communication from Alpha Centauri would be effective. But communication from the Sun to Alpha Centauri would be challenging because the energy level of the Alpha Centauri system is higher than near Sun. And energy always travels from the higher level to the lower. 

And, then that wormhole could use in communication. But that requires an ability to form a stable gravitational whirl. And that requires an enormous energy source. But if aliens use that kind of communication tools. 

They might reject the traditional radios as communication tools as unnecessary things that belonged to the museum. Why should they use unnecessary communication tools? 

And another version is that those alien civilizations are not interested to answer us. Or, maybe our radio signals never reach other solar systems because our transmitting capacity is so weak. 

There are many explanations for why we cannot make contact with another civilization. One is that we are so low technical level. That aliens are treating us like some very primitive tribe. Maybe aliens think that our planet is in a civil war. And that's why they are not interested to talk with us. If they use radio transmissions at all. 

The BLC-1's origin was in the direction of Proxima Centauri. Not at Proxima Centauri. 

The BLC-1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate one) is sometimes called: "the signal from Proxima Centauri".  The origin of that signal is not confirmed. 

It could be a manmade satellite. That was in the same line as Alpha Centauri. But the frequency of that signal that Parkes telescope captured is interesting. 

The more accurate way to say that thing is "BLC-1" is the signal, that came from the direction "Proxima Centauri". So the signal seems to come from the direction of the closest solar system of the Sun. 

But the origin of that signal remains unknown. If that signal was synthetic, the thing that it happened only once tells that this signal was meant for the alien's internal communication. 

The BLC-1's purpose is other than an alien attempt to make contact.  If the purpose of the BLC-1 was to make contact, why did that unknown sender not resend that signal? 

Same way, if the origin of that signal was natural. Why that action happened only once? Was there some unique material that sends to the BLC-1 and earlier Wow! signal? 

There is suspicion that those signals were manmade. And the argument for that is that the red dwarfs cannot maintain intelligent lifeforms. But otherwise, that signal could form by the automatic probe. Or there is some satellite in the same line as Alpha Centauri. And Proxima Centauri is part of the Alpha Centauri system. 

But the thing is that radio telescopes listen only to radio frequencies that are appeased for scientific purposes. So, there is no allowance to use those frequencies for any kind of radio transmission. Or those scientific telescopes should not listen to other frequencies. 

The BLC-1 was a signal, that used the radio frequency that is very usual in satellite communication. So, does Parkes telescope listen also synthetic frequencies? Or is there something that is hidden? 

When we are trying to think about some extraordinary signals, Like Wow! and BLC-1 signals could be of alien origin. The thing is that those strange signals never happen again. And that tells us that the signals were not meant for us if they were synthetic. But the thing that supports alien theory is that those signals were unique. 

If those signals had a natural origin. The thing that makes it interesting is that those natural phenomena should happen more than once. There are no unique natural reactions. And that thing makes those signals interesting.!_signal

Image 1:)

Image 2: )


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