Thursday, October 27, 2022

Putin threats Western commercial satellites. And western actors must be prepared for that kind of threat.

Above: Group of miniature killer satellites destroys larger satellite. 

Putin says that Russia will attack Western commercial satellites. If they are used to support Ukraine. That means that the satellites must equip, with counter-action systems that can destroy incoming missiles. Also, operators must increase satellite survivability against laser rays and other electromagnetic weapons by making them stealthy. 

That technology makes satellites hard to detect. And also, the transmitters that the satellite uses can be at long distances from its main body. Active protection systems like counter-weapons are problematic but effective. Those systems shots ammunition against incoming ASAT weapons but satellites can also use against other satellites. That will increase the speed of space militarization and the weapons race. 

Miniature satellites can be the future of satellite technology. And miniature satellites can also be used as ASAT weapons. Those satellites can just collide with other satellites. Or they can have things like rocket arrows that destroy other satellites. 

Miniaturization is where one large satellite is replaced by using a swarm of multiple miniature satellites. The ability to connect many miniature satellites to one entirety with wireless application like communication lasers are called virtual molarization. 

The number of parts of that kind of system has no limit. So the entire Earth can be covered by using a large group of small telescope satellites. That system makes it possible to surveillance at the same time the entire Earth. 

And when there is a need for higher accuracy. The larger group of those telescopes can focus on an interesting point. Those telescope satellites can also dive into the route of ICBM missiles. 

And the swarm of small satellites can also deny opponents to launch their satellites. Those miniature satellites can act as a shield over the enemy atmosphere. Closing the launching trajectories denies the satellite launches. Or they can be at any point of ICBM trajectories. They can also close certain orbital trajectories and impact other satellites. 

This virtual modulization improves the survivability of those systems. Against lasers and other ASAT (anti-satellite) weapons. 

Another thing is to make larger spaceborne telescopes that allow rising those reconnaissance satellites to higher altitudes. But virtualization, where small telescopes are connected to one entirety is the ultimate tool also in that kind of system.  Even if a laser blinds one of the telescopes from that entirety will not blind the entire system.

The thing is that the Russians sometimes targeted low-flying reconnaissance satellites by using lasers. That thing proves something must be done about that threat. 

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