Sunday, January 15, 2023

The gravitational waves from black holes give information about the gravitation's nature.

Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves?

Could a lonely black hole form gravitational waves? When two black holes are orbiting each other their gravitational fields are disturbing each other. Another black hole will aim the gravitational waves in a certain direction. 

But when we are looking at the "lonely black holes" there is the possibility that intensive energy around them transforms particles around them into black holes. Also, some "lonely black" holes are binary systems. 

The reason why observing those smaller black holes is difficult, is that they are so small. And they exist only for a small moment. Those theoretical small black holes are forming near the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light of the central black hole. 

And then they fall into the larger black hole. These extremely small black holes orbit the larger black hole. Or otherways saying. The event horizons of black holes are connected. 

The thing is that also the small or quantum size black holes have event horizons. The size of the black hole doesn't matter. 

All black holes act the same way. They are like antennas that transfer gravitational radiation in one direction. 

If that case is true that effect can form a wormhole or Einstein-Rose bridge between that quantum-size and larger black hole. And in that case, there is the possibility that the smaller black hole acts as an antenna that aims gravitational waves away from the black hole. 

 Black holes are an extreme phenomenon. And in these kinds of cases, we should be very accurate. When we research things. That happens near that kind of object.

 Even if we are talking about errors less than a nanometer. Those errors can have a greater effect than we think if we are talking about black holes and their interactions. 

There are possible places where the black hole's gravitational waves can form. The place can be inside the event horizon or the point where escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. The gravitational waves are expected. To give a tip on how to make the opposite gravitation or antigravitation. 

So if the source of the gravitational waves is less than a nanometer from the event horizon. That means their source is outside the black hole. In this case, gravitational waves are coming outside the black hole. 

1) The source of those gravitational waves is inside a black hole.

2) The source of those mysterious gravitational waves may be the dark matter that orbits the black hole. 

4) The wave or quake in the event horizon makes it possible that the event horizon's place is changing. And then, the superstring or wave movement can flee from the black hole. 

5) In some theories, gravitational waves are the reflection. When gravitational waves that fall into the black hole impact with standing gravitational waves that thing causes reflection. Or is it possible that black holes cannot pull gravitational waves inside them? 

Could the extremely strong gravitational field reflect the gravitational waves from a black hole? The reason for that is the frequency of gravitational waves is always the same. And if another gravitational field is stronger that reflects other outcoming gravitational waves away. That means that black holes could pull only material and other radiation in them. 

But gravitational fields are reflecting away from them. The reason why that is possible is found in quantum theories. Energy always travels from the higher to the lower level. So black hole's gravitational field is so strong that it can cause a situation where gravitational waves are traveling in opposite directions than other radiation. 

And if radiation that has a lower energy level but the same frequency impacts with stronger radiation that causes reflection. The case where wave movement fronts with the same frequency impacts. Wave movement continues in a direction where wave movement with a higher energy level travels. And gravitation is similar wave movement to all other wave movements. 


Antigravitation can be the reflection of gravitational waves. 

The place of those standing gravitational waves can be in the nucleus of the black hole or around the event horizon. If there is a standing gravitational wave around the black hole the maser-effect that is forming when intensive energy impacts standing gravitational waves. 

That means reflecting gravitational waves can form anti-gravitation. The idea is that impacting gravitational waves can form a wheel-shaped standing gravitational wave that denies gravitational waves flow inside it. 


Could the source of gravitational waves of a lonely black hole be the dark matter that orbits a black hole? 

There is a possibility that intensive energy is near black holes interacting with dark matter that orbits black holes. Near the event horizon, the intensive energy interacts with packed wave motion, and that packed dark matter are forming gravitational waves. 

But then we must realize that there is also the possibility that gravitational waves are forming in black holes. Or around black holes where standing gravitational waves are reflecting from that donut-shaped gravitational effect that could orbit the black hole at the point of the event horizon. 

And they are escaping gravitational waves that the source is inside the black hole. There is a possibility that deep inside the black hole is forming a static high-energy gravitational whirl in the middle of the black hole. 

The energy of that hypothetical structure in the black hole is in gravitational form. So because that structure is forming standing gravitational waves it can push the impacting gravitational waves back. And then those gravitational waves can travel out of the black hole. 

In some other models, the gravitational waves are escaping from the black hole because there is forming a quantum-size black hole near the event horizon. The intensive energy can turn particles into black holes before they are traveling through the event horizon. 

In that case, the miniature black hole can form the point where gravitation is stronger than just behind the main black hole's event horizon. And then there is a forming situation where the smaller black hole can steal gravitational string from the main black hole. 

In the last model, the event horizon of the black hole just shakes. When the wave movement and material are orbiting the black hole's nucleus their speed and energy level rise to a very high level. That thing makes it possible. That material or wave movement that orbits the black hole's nucleus just behind the event horizon can flee to space.

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