Sunday, January 15, 2023

Project West Ford. When the U.S. planned to make an artificial ionosphere.

The U.S. attempted to create an artificial ionosphere around the world. By using 480 000 000 copper needles. Those very small copper needles would act as dipole antennas that mirror radio waves back to Earth. As we know Project West ford failed. And the U.S. made the largest number of space debris. That ever created. Project West Ford was one of the good ideas. But the technology that the U.S. used was the wrong type. Making an artificial ionosphere could be possible by using a large number of tesla coils.

What if NASA would shot drawing pins to the orbiter? If those drawing pins are at the same level. They would act as the tesla coils. That is making the radio wave dome between drawing pin antennas. 

Image 2) Tesla coils.

There are some theoretical models that Project West Ford could be successful if the used needles would look like drawing pins. The drawing pins must lock precisely at the same level. And then the radar impulses will target them. 

The hats of those drawing pins would act as tesla coins. When radar impulses hit those drawing pins they would create a network of radio waves between them. Those radio waves would turn to jump between drawing pin antennas. And then they can reflect the radio waves to Earth. This kind of system can use to create an artificial ionosphere for the moon or mars. 

The clouds or plates of those antennas would put in trajectory around those space objects. Then the radio waves can put to jump from that dome to Moon or Mars. These kinds of visions are exciting. But the problem is that those things are increasing the number of space debris.

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