Saturday, February 25, 2023

Boullée's tomb.

 Boullée's tomb. 

Boullée, Cénotaphe à Newton (1784)

Boullée's sphere is one of the most remarkable architectural plans. But this structure remained as drawings. It was never finished. But that shape lives in nuclear reactor's geometrical safe buildings. 

Étienne-Louis Boullée's (1728-1799) plans for a tomb for Isaac Newton was the ball-shaped monument building that ever made. That tomb is planned as being a ball-shaped structure and one sure thing. I don't know. Did Boullée realize that the echoes from the walls can form an acoustic ball in the middle of the structure? 

The Boullée's tomb was not complete in real life. It was only paper on the desk. There is one problem with spherical houses which form echoes. Those ball structures can form an acoustic black hole in the middle of them. 

An acoustic black hole means a situation where symmetrically coming soundwaves are impacting and that thing causes a situation, where the air cannot fill that point. So the acoustic black hole is the vacuum that is formed when a ball-shaped soundwave or pressure wave travels in the ball-shaped structure. When air molecules are pressed tight enough and there is impacting new soundwaves they form the standing wave movement. 

If there is a generator in the middle of that sphere, the question is: how powerful an electric field can that thing create? When electricity travels to the walls of that sphere, it jumps in the middle of it. That thing can form an extremely powerful standing electromagnetic field in the middle of the sphere. 

And then if the soundwave cannot release its energy it forms a situation in that the ball-shaped standing wave starts to expand outwards. That causes a similar effect as detonation. If that kind of standing ball-shaped wave is forming it gets more energy from Earth's rotation and seismic waves. And it starts to send the wave movement to the walls of the ball, and then those reflecting wave movements are increasing their power. 

There is a possibility that Boullée wanted to use his sphere for loading energy to small mountain crystals bites. Those pressure impacts could turn those crystals shine or send flashes of lightning around the sphere. If lighting hits that sphere it forms an electromagnetic bubble in the middle of the sphere. 

The Boulée tomb gave its form to some nuclear laboratories. The Kesselring facility holds a spherical structure that is made for fusion experiments. And in the national ignition facility is a spherical fusion chamber. The idea is that the middle of that building can create a symmetrical spherical energy impact. The system can focus that energy on the center of the sphere. The system can use lasers- microwaves, and radio waves. And it's mission is to aim the energy to small fusion material bottles.

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