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Dark energy and the shape of the universe.

Could the universe be egg-shaped? 

Could the cosmic microwave background explain some errors and anomalies in calculations? We can see two symmetrically cold areas that are in line at the left and right sides of the image. That could tell that there is a giant black hole in the middle of the universe. That hyper-massive black hole could form when just after the Big Bang part of the material dropped back. And that material formed an enormous black hole in history. The cosmic gamma- and X-ray backgrounds tell that there could be a point where that radiation leaves. 

And those cold points seem to be in line with gamma- and X-ray radiation. If the source of those gammas- and X-rays are black holes, where they are leaving from their poles, that radiation could turn the universe into a little bit of egg-looking structure. And that means we are at the equator of that hypothetical black hole. So could that thing cause us to overestimate some distances? That means we thought that the visible universe is a sphere. But it's an egg-looking structure. 

(Credit: NASA / GSFC)

If there is a black hole in the middle of the universe it sends gamma- and X-rays to the plasma or shockwave that travels in front of visible material. Then that plasma shockwave that is formed during the Big Bang sends part of that radiation back into the universe. And that reflection causes dark energy. The thing is that this shockwave is traveling with limited speed, and the universe's gravitational effect slows the speed of that thing. In the same way, it limits the speed of photons that travels ahead of the material because the gravitational effect slows the speed of photons if it is the backside of the photons. 

Above From the top: Cosmic gamma-ray, X-ray, and microwave background. There is a theory that forming galaxies creates that gamma-ray. But that linear form could tell that there is some extremely large-size black hole in the middle of the universe. 

In the X-ray image (middle) you can see how the X-rays are spread around the universe. And in the cosmic microwave backgroung (bottom) the cold areas that I mentioned are marked by using green arrows. 

"The local geometry of the universe is determined by whether the density parameter Ω is greater than, less than, or equal to 1.
From top to bottom: a spherical universe with Ω > 1, a hyperbolic universe with Ω < 1, and a flat universe with Ω = 1. These depictions of two-dimensional surfaces are merely easily visualizable analogs to the 3-dimensional structure of (local) space." (Wikipedia/Shape of the universe)

Can we eliminate dark energy? 

The expansion of the universe doesn't match with calculations. And the universe expands too slowly. So that means in the universe is too little dark energy or the weight of the universe is somehow too big. 

Which one is right? Or is that error or difference between theories and reality virtual? When we think. That the visible universe is like a ball, we face a very interesting model that could explain why calculations do not match. 

When photons travel from another side of the universe. The gravitational force from those galaxies and other objects is slowing those photons. And if there is some kind of unseen structure that thing can cause problems or errors in measurement. And the gravitational effect can turn redshift higher than it is. So is the universe just smaller than it should be? 

Or are there dark matter clouds behind the galaxies on another side of the universe? That means the universe looks like a galaxy. There could be a ball of visible material. And around it is a large cloud of dark matter. And in that model dark matter forms a gigantic version of the Kuiper Belt.  

Image: Wikipedia/Castle Romeo)

The nuclear test in the Pacific proving ground. Note the donut-shaped structure. A similar structure is an asteroid belt that formed when fusion reactions started in the Sun. So, could the Big Bang form a similar structure in the universe? Could that mega-size asteroid belt exist? 

Or are we just misunderstanding the form of the universe? Is the universe look donut? 

When we are thinking about the geometrical shape of the universe, nobody ever thought that the universe could be a donut-looking structure. In that model, the visible material is like a donut-shaped ring around the center of the universe. But the problem is how much there is dark material in the universe. 

And how strong the dark matter interaction is? In some models, dark matter is only the virtual material. That forms when gravitational waves are impacting. That thing explains why we cannot see dark matter. In that model dark matter is the bubble or gravitational skyrmion. In that case, dark matter does not exist in the material form.


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