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Showing posts from April, 2023

Can the GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) form when the poles of black holes change their place?

The image of the black hole and its beam are interesting things. And maybe they can open a path to solve what causes the GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst). The GRB is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. During that extremely short but powerful energy burst.  The black hole releases as much energy as the entire galaxy sends. The source of the GRB is predicted to be black holes because there the energy level is high enough for making gamma rays, the most high-energy radiation in the universe.  In some models, the GRB is the phenomenon that forms when the black hole rotates around its axle. That turns its relativistic jet's position. Black hole sends gamma rays from their poles, and when those poles change their side, the black hole's energy pike travels through the universe.  The rotation of the black hole will not take a long time. And when the radiation pike or relativistic jet will travel through Earth, we will see that thing as the GRB. That effect is like an extremely

Could natural fission make fission stars even in our solar system?

Natural fission and fission stars are an interesting combination. On Earth, the natural fission reactors are found in Gabon. There is nothing used for natural fission reactors that are working for at least thousands of years. And they deliver so little energy that those fission reactors cannot benefit from nuclear energy production. The energy production in those Gabon reactors was something about 100 KW.  The hypothetical iron stars formed the theory of fission stars.  The fission star theory or model is conducted from the Iron stars theory. Those hypothetical stars could be possible at the end of the universe. The energy level in that universe is very low. Stable conditions cause a situation where iron atoms can start cold fusion. The iron stars are extremely dense, and the energy travels out from those stars faster than in the universe where we live.  That causes a situation that iron atoms start to make fusion. The iron stars are colder than today's stars. But otherways tempera

Is there a point when time began?

In modern theories, the beginning of the universe is in the Big Bang. At that point the material separated from time. But should we rather say that material made contact with time? In that model, we should think the opposite way.  Normally we think. That time separated from the material during the Big Bang. But should we think like this: After the Big Bang time connected with the material? Is time series of pike-looking power fields that are pushing part of the particles' quantum fields with them? That causes shockwaves around the universe.  And that could explain dark energy. In that model time is the wave movement that takes part of elementary particles with it. So time is some kind of free energy that destroys the material. But does time have to begin or is it infinite?  At that point, the material started aging. And that aging continues until the last star and black hole are gone. When the universe reaches the stable point aging ends, and the universe's existence ends. The

Can we reach absolute zero?

The zero kelvin is the case where helium turns solid. That means we cannot measure temperatures below that. There is a possibility that there are movements like oscillation in helium ice below that temperature of -273,15 degrees Celsius. But that is the energy minimum in the universe. The temperature of the universe is 3 degrees higher than the absolute zero. So the temperature of the objects in the universe is a minimum of 3 degrees over absolute zero.  In the universe, is no temperature in the same way as we know it on Earth. The plasma and other particles have more space to move. So the particles have a bigger impact on energy in a vacuum. Things like energy bursts cause the particles are sending energy impulses that are causing disorders in the giant molecular clouds.  In those extremely low temperatures, even the smallest energy sources have meanings. The term absolute zero means that all movements in particles stopped, so the system must stop the spin of electrons and other eleme

ESA's Gaia mission found a new and very interesting type of black hole.

The film is introducing a motion of a new type of black hole, or binary star which another participant is the red giant. And the second one is about ten stellar mass black holes. The red giant star orbits the black hole in three years.  Interesting thing is that the black hole seems to rotate around the invisible mass center. Distance from the Earth to this binary system is 3800 light years.  There is another black hole 1500 light years away from Earth. The thing is that there is a small possibility that those black holes could interact with each other. If that interaction is real that will be the first real evidence of wormholes. But when we are looking at the film we might ask, is there another black hole near the larger black hole? Or what makes the black hole also wobble? Does the mass of the red giant be enough for that thing?  The thing is that black holes could be closer than we even think. The virtual redshift around those objects can be very strong because particles fall in th