Thursday, April 27, 2023

Can the GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst) form when the poles of black holes change their place?

The image of the black hole and its beam are interesting things. And maybe they can open a path to solve what causes the GRB (Gamma-Ray Burst). The GRB is one of the most high-energy phenomena in the universe. During that extremely short but powerful energy burst. 

The black hole releases as much energy as the entire galaxy sends. The source of the GRB is predicted to be black holes because there the energy level is high enough for making gamma rays, the most high-energy radiation in the universe. 

In some models, the GRB is the phenomenon that forms when the black hole rotates around its axle. That turns its relativistic jet's position. Black hole sends gamma rays from their poles, and when those poles change their side, the black hole's energy pike travels through the universe. 

The rotation of the black hole will not take a long time. And when the radiation pike or relativistic jet will travel through Earth, we will see that thing as the GRB. That effect is like an extremely powerful lightsaber. 

This might be the GRB that is forming in the lonely black hole. So thinking that way, we can say that the GRB is the gamma-ray pike that moves through the universe. The GRB would be the black hole's natural gamma-ray beam that moves in its direction. 

The gamma-ray beam of the black hole is powerful but thin. And it's hard to detect from the sides. That thing means that only if the gamma-ray pike points to Earth. Sensors can detect it. 


The first image of the black hole and its beam is published. 

The next part is a straight quote from And it's about the first image of the black hole with its jets. 

"Scientists observing the compact radio core of M87 have discovered new details about the galaxy’s supermassive black hole. In this artist’s conception, the black hole’s massive jet is seen rising up from the center of the black hole. The observations on which this illustration is based represent the first time that the jet and the black hole shadow have been imaged together, giving scientists new insights into how black holes can launch these powerful jets. Credit: S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)"( Light on Darkness: Historic First Direct Image of a Black Hole Emitting a Powerful Jet)

"This image shows the jet and shadow of the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy together for the first time. The observations were obtained with telescopes from the Global Millimetre VLBI Array (GMVA), the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), of which ESO is a partner, and the Greenland Telescope. This image gives scientists the context needed to understand how the powerful jet is formed. "( Light on Darkness: Historic First Direct Image of a Black Hole Emitting a Powerful Jet)

"The new observations also revealed that the black hole’s ring, shown here in the inset, is 50% larger than the ring observed at shorter radio wavelengths by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). This suggests that in the new image, we see more of the material that is falling toward the black hole than what we could see with the EHT. Credit: R.-S. Lu (SHAO), E. Ros (MPIfR), S. Dagnello (NRAO/AUI/NSF)"( Light on Darkness: Historic First Direct Image of a Black Hole Emitting a Powerful Jet)

"This artist’s impression depicts a rapidly spinning supermassive black hole surrounded by an accretion disc. This thin disc of rotating material consists of the leftovers of a Sun-like star which was ripped apart by the tidal forces of the black hole. The black hole is labeled, showing the anatomy of this fascinating object. Credit: ESO"( Light on Darkness: Historic First Direct Image of a Black Hole Emitting a Powerful Jet)

Quote ended


But we know that also black holes and neutron stars are colliding. When two neutron stars impact each other. 

That thing forms the so-called kilonova. The energy wave, that kilonovas sends. Can form even gold in the molecular cloud, that surrounds the neutron stars. When neutron stars impact there is forming an electric arc in those neutron stars. And that thing forms the black hole. 

Those neutron stars send gravitational waves. And the effect when black holes impact is more powerful than neutron star impacts. That thing sends gravitational waves that warp entire dimensions around those extremely powerful objects. 

The GRBs are also forming when black holes or neutron stars are colliding. In those versions, the impacting star remnants are releasing extremely high energy-level radiation. The GRBs:s might have multiple types of sources.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Could natural fission make fission stars even in our solar system?

Natural fission and fission stars are an interesting combination. On Earth, the natural fission reactors are found in Gabon. There is nothing used for natural fission reactors that are working for at least thousands of years. And they deliver so little energy that those fission reactors cannot benefit from nuclear energy production. The energy production in those Gabon reactors was something about 100 KW. 

The hypothetical iron stars formed the theory of fission stars. 

The fission star theory or model is conducted from the Iron stars theory. Those hypothetical stars could be possible at the end of the universe. The energy level in that universe is very low. Stable conditions cause a situation where iron atoms can start cold fusion. The iron stars are extremely dense, and the energy travels out from those stars faster than in the universe where we live. 

That causes a situation that iron atoms start to make fusion. The iron stars are colder than today's stars. But otherways temperature in the universe is lower. And the requirement for that thing is that the proton will not divide. The thing that makes an iron star a star is that it is warmer than its environment. 

The temperature is a relative substance or variable. If we will put the light bulb on Earth, that thing will not make any impressions. But if we will put the light bulb on dwarf planet Quaor that thing cause a very high rise in temperature. And that causes the vaporization of the gases. Those gases can conduct to the turbine. 

The fission stars involve so much radioactive material that their temperature can rise considerably higher than their environment. If the planet's temperature is about 100 degrees higher than zero kelvin that causes vaporization of some gasses. And dividing radioactive isotopes can make this thing real.  In this case, we might call this planet a fission star because the star gets its energy from internal nuclear reactions. 

Could natural fission explain things like the icy volcanoes of Neptune's Triton moon and the dwarf planet Pluto? There we can see a very interesting ice area on Pluto's pole. That area seems to have fresh ice. And that means there is geological activity on that dwarf planet. 

Pluto (

Pluto in detail (

Triton (

Icy geysers on Triton (

Quaoar with its rings (

Ceres (

The mountain on Ceres, tells us there was volcanic activity. (

Natural fission must rise the temperature on those dwarf planets like Pluto, Triton, and Quaor to the level where the gasses turn liquid. Maybe internal fission keeps the ocean on dwarf planet Ceres open. Once there were icy volcanoes on Ceres, but then the mass of radioactive material turned so low that icy volcanoes were lost. 

That thing means that something keeps the ocean on that dwarf planet liquid. Of course, Charon's tidal effect can make that thing possible. But there is also the possibility that internal fission makes that kind of structure. 

But there is the possibility that some planets like Pluto could be so-called fission stars. Fission stars are planets that are very much radioactive isotopes. If that fission star is in a zone. Where is a very low temperature, that thing can make some dwarf planets hotter than their environment. If we think. 

That natural fission happens on a planet like Pluto, there is the possibility that the geological effect of that thing is very huge even if the energy production is quite low. The gravitation and pressure on Triton and Pluto are very weak. That means the boiling temperature of the liquid is very low. 

Maybe natural fission explains the mystery rings of dwarf planet Quaoar's rings. 

If there is strong nuclear fission in that dwarf planet, that thing can form a magnetic field. Natural fission must not raise the temperature on the small planet very high. Keeping the gasses liquid is enough, that the iron bites can start to whirl around the magnetic nucleus.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Is there a point when time began?

In modern theories, the beginning of the universe is in the Big Bang. At that point the material separated from time. But should we rather say that material made contact with time? In that model, we should think the opposite way. 

Normally we think. That time separated from the material during the Big Bang. But should we think like this: After the Big Bang time connected with the material? Is time series of pike-looking power fields that are pushing part of the particles' quantum fields with them? That causes shockwaves around the universe. 

And that could explain dark energy. In that model time is the wave movement that takes part of elementary particles with it. So time is some kind of free energy that destroys the material. But does time have to begin or is it infinite? 

At that point, the material started aging. And that aging continues until the last star and black hole are gone. When the universe reaches the stable point aging ends, and the universe's existence ends. The idea is that if the expansion of the universe continues forever there is a point where the wave movement reaches the minimum energy point that is the same as the environment. But that thing requires. 

That there is some kind of Higgs' field outside the universe. If there is nothing that means it's impossible that the wave movement reaches the same energy level as its environment. Because if there is a great emptiness outside the universe the information that remains of wave movement has always higher energy level than its environment. 

If there is an extremely weak energy field outside the universe. That thing can cause a situation. That the superstrings or information that is a remnant of the universe turned to wave movement and sends weak waves around each other. And that thing makes the Schwinger effect possible.

But then let's go back to the time. 

We always think that we know time. Time is the vaporization of material and when material turns to wave movement time ends. But then we should think that we are looking at the interaction with the time and material. We can see that the aging of material is the result of interaction between the universe and its environment around it. A regular way to think about time and space is that time is connected with material. 

When we enter the point. Where the material reaches the speed of light its aging stops. And because gravitation acts and interacts the same way as speed and other energy that means inside black holes behind their event horizon material turns younger. 

The reason for that is: the material or massive gravitational field of black holes will not let energy travel away from it. So the question is: has time a connection with the Big Bang at all? The Big Bang opened the material to the time. But does time exist before the Big Bang? In some models or visions time is some kind of energy field. If the energy field called time existed before the Big Bang we should think that Big Bang caused a situation where time started to interact with the material. 

So is the black hole the thing that separates time from material? In that model the black holes deny that time cannot interact with material. If that is true the time could exist before the Big Bang.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Can we reach absolute zero?

The zero kelvin is the case where helium turns solid. That means we cannot measure temperatures below that. There is a possibility that there are movements like oscillation in helium ice below that temperature of -273,15 degrees Celsius. But that is the energy minimum in the universe. The temperature of the universe is 3 degrees higher than the absolute zero. So the temperature of the objects in the universe is a minimum of 3 degrees over absolute zero. 

In the universe, is no temperature in the same way as we know it on Earth. The plasma and other particles have more space to move. So the particles have a bigger impact on energy in a vacuum. Things like energy bursts cause the particles are sending energy impulses that are causing disorders in the giant molecular clouds. 

In those extremely low temperatures, even the smallest energy sources have meanings. The term absolute zero means that all movements in particles stopped, so the system must stop the spin of electrons and other elementary particles. Also, electrons must freeze in their orbitals so that the oscillation ends. 

The fact is that no particle can ever reach that temperature, because when a measurement instrument is taken to the same space, that thing causes the rise of energy level in the object. Another thing that makes it impossible to reach the absolute zero is the movement of electrons. Electrons have kinetic energy, and that thing causes little oscillation in the system. 

"When many quantum particles interact, complex systems can be formed. And this complexity allows reaching a temperature of absolute zero – at least in principle. Credit: IQOQI/ÖAW" ( Zero Is Attainable? Scientists Have Found a Quantum Formulation for the Third Law of Thermodynamics)

And that thing causes a situation where the helium ice starts to oscillate. So absolute zero point is the situation where the material will not send any kind of radiation. One of the reasons why we cannot reach a temperature that is below absolute zero is the expansion of the universe. 

When the size of the universe expands the quantum field that presses particles turns weak. And that causes a situation where the distance of particles increases. In that case, particles send the photons or wave movement to the system. And their size along with the power of their quantum field decreases. 

This causes the free space in the system. When there is free space in the system energy or wave movement travels between those particles. And that thing causes oscillation. The oscillation means that the temperature is above the absolute zero. For stopping oscillation the system must turn extremely thick. And all movement in it must stop. And stopping the spin of elementary particles and electrons movement is not an easy thing. 

What happens to the temperature outside the universe? 

Outside the universe, atoms and ions have more space to move but radiation that comes out from the universe pushes them in one direction. And sooner or later they turn to the wave movement. Because all objects travel at the same speed there is no energy exchange between them. 

Or photons can travel faster than other particles, but there are no quantum fields that slow other particles either. The energy level outside the universe is also very low, and there is no reflection. So there is no speed either. There is possible that some kind of quantum field continues outside the universe but that thing is a hypothesis. 

When we are thinking about the area outside the universe, we face a very interesting question: could there be a lower temperature than in the universe? The material is thinner, and the energy level is far lower than in the universe. There is a possibility that a particle that travels outside the universe just pushes its electrons away. 

Or the radiation that comes out from the universe could freeze electrons to the same side of the atom. But the fact is that the atom itself moves. If it will not turn to wave movement. So could the temperature there be lower than absolute zero? The answer is that: there is no temperature in the form as we know it.

ESA's Gaia mission found a new and very interesting type of black hole.

The film is introducing a motion of a new type of black hole, or binary star which another participant is the red giant. And the second one is about ten stellar mass black holes. The red giant star orbits the black hole in three years.  Interesting thing is that the black hole seems to rotate around the invisible mass center. Distance from the Earth to this binary system is 3800 light years. 

There is another black hole 1500 light years away from Earth. The thing is that there is a small possibility that those black holes could interact with each other. If that interaction is real that will be the first real evidence of wormholes. But when we are looking at the film we might ask, is there another black hole near the larger black hole? Or what makes the black hole also wobble? Does the mass of the red giant be enough for that thing? 

The thing is that black holes could be closer than we even think. The virtual redshift around those objects can be very strong because particles fall in them at very high speeds. 

"ESA’s Gaia mission has helped discover a new kind of black hole. The new family already has two members, and both are closer to Earth than any other black hole that we know of. The two black holes were discovered by studying ultra-precise measurements of stellar positions and motions in Gaia’s third data release. A strange ‘wobble’ in the movement of two stars in the sky indicated that they are orbiting a very massive object. In both cases, the objects are approximately ten times more massive than our Sun". So that is a stellar-mass black hole. ( Discovers a Mysterious New Type of Black Hole – And Two Are Lurking in Earth’s Cosmic Backyard)

"Other explanations for these massive companions, like double-star systems, were ruled out since they do not seem to emit any light. Gaia’s second black hole, BH2, is located 3800 light-years away from Earth. It is a binary system consisting of a red giant star and likely a black hole. In this animation of Gaia BH2, created in Gaia Sky, the orbits are accurately sized, but the back hole diameter is not to scale. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO" ( Discovers a Mysterious New Type of Black Hole – And Two Are Lurking in Earth’s Cosmic Backyard)

The image of black holes

"The location of the first two black holes discovered by ESA’s Gaia mission in the Milky Way. This map of our galaxy was also made by the Gaia mission. Gaia Black Hole 1 is located just 1560 light-years away from us in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus and Gaia Black Hole 2 is 3800 light-years away in the constellation Centaurus. In galactic terms, these black holes reside in our cosmic backyard. Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC; CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO" ( Discovers a Mysterious New Type of Black Hole – And Two Are Lurking in Earth’s Cosmic Backyard)

 But the thing. What makes those black holes interesting is that they are similar. They don't have almost any kind of radiation. Because their companion star is far away from them. Gaia found those black holes by searching the wobbling of the visible participant of the binary system. The remarkable thing is that Gaia found those black holes at the same time. And they seem very special.

Biomimetics makes Star Wars-type robot hands and terminators real.

Bio-hybrid robot means a system, covered by human tissue if the system is human-shaped. The biohybrid system can mimic animals. Those biomim...