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Showing posts from May, 2023

Are black holes solid gravitational fields that rotate in the warp bubble?

There is a model that a black hole is a group of particles that are whirling or rotating in a warp bubble. In gravitational models, gravitation is radiation, the sender is so small that it travels through particles and pulls them in the smaller size. In that model, a hypothetical graviton is an elementary particle that sends a very thin superstring. The superstring pulls the quantum or Higgs field from the elementary particle. And that pulls its shell near to the center of that particle.  In some models, the black holes have two event horizons. The outer and inner event horizons deny seeing things that happen in the heart of a black hole. The event horizon is the place where the escaping velocity reaches the speed of light. And at that point, the photons are whirling around the black hole. The inner event horizon is the point, where the escaping velocity reaches 2X the speed of light. And if we think about the light cone and the hypersurface as the event horizon.  We can think. That th

Can we avoid singularity in the black hole?

"Once you cross the threshold to form a black hole, everything inside the event horizon crunches down to a singularity that is, at most, one-dimensional. No 3D structures can survive intact, although the potential for any infalling matter/energy to be transported into a "baby Universe" created on the other side of this black hole cannot be ruled out". ( can’t avoid a singularity inside every black hole) The problem with the black hole is that the time would start to travel backward inside the event horizon. The event horizon is the point, where time stops. And inside it, time starts to move backward. Which is against the linear time model.  Time reverse breaks the golden order, that everything can happen only once. That thing makes the retrocausality possible.  "Retrocausality, or backward causation, is a concept of cause and effect in which an effect precedes its cause in time and so a later event affects an earlier one."  "In quantum

Researchers found vast, hidden oceans found from Uranus's four large moons.

There are hidden oceans in many moons and dwarf planets including Pluto. Today the hidden oceans are found inside four of Uranus's large moons. And that thing is opening the road to another question. The question is what keeps water liquid on those moons, where nitrogen geysers are filling the air with nitrogen vapor, and the temperature is 190 Kelvin. The vaporization point of nitrogen is 77-124 Kelvin depending on pressure.   Researchers found water on all of Uranus's large moons except Miranda which is too small to keep water liquid. There is a possibility, that Miranda has no core at all, and its inner structure is homogeneous. And the moon is formed entirely of water. And that makes Miranda-moon the cosmic ice bite. One mystery is what formed Miranda because normally regular, ball-shaped moons and planets form around the nucleus that is heavier than other parts of that planet. That process forms the ball-shaped object. But if there is no heavier nucleus the dwarf planet sh

Is spacetime real? Or is it just some term that researchers use in calculations?

In some models, gravitation is the superstring that travels through elementary particles. And when that superstring travels through the particle it acts like a thermal pump. The superstring transports energy out from the particle's poles and at the same time, the energy that comes from the sides of the particle will push it in its form.  Term spacetime means that material, energy (Wave movement), and time are the same thing or at least interacting with each other.  One reason for time is that when the universe expands, it decreases the pressure of the quantum field inside that thing that we call the universe. When the quantum field's power decreases. That causes a situation that the material starts to turn to wave movement.  We can think the spacetime as the energy field that affects the particles. When that energy field travels in the particle their energy level rises and their aging will slow. That means their vaporization or turning to wave movement turns slower. When energy