Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Dark energy is strange interaction that pushes the universe larger.

The zero spin means that the Higgs boson will turn flat immediately. That thing sends waves in Higgs field. So could that thing be the reaction that forms dark energy? When the Higgs boson collapses or divides that thing causes a situation that a Higgs field (or some other electromagnetic field) will fill that point. And that thing causes interaction. 

So could dark energy form when the Higgs field interacts with another electromagnetic field. There is the possibility that the Higgs field is a so-called base-field that pulls energy out from other EM fields or four fundamental interaction's transportation particles. That thing causes flow and resonance. So maybe this interaction is the thing that causes dark energy.  

Higgs boson's virtual spin can be zero. The lifetime of that particle is so short that it doesn't have time to begin the spin. 

Higgs boson spin is 0. That means it cannot interact straight with other particles. Interaction with other particles requires wave movement between particles. If a particle has spin, it sends wave movement around it. Spinning particle acts like a whisk in water. 

When it spins, the interaction sends a wave movement from the particle. That interaction causes resonance with another similar particle. The existence of Higgs boson is extremely short. That means. It's possible that the Higgs boson would just have no time to spin or measurement tools cannot detect so short-time reactions. 

It's theoretically possible. That two Higgs bosons can turn superposition. If there is some kind of energy. That impacts the Higgs boson-pair sideways and connects them. But making that thing in the real world is very difficult because Higgs boson collapses before photons can travel between them. 

Higgs boson forms in quark-gluon plasma that causes waves in the Higgs field. And then the particle accelerator must keep that energy level long enough that the superposition can form. But in black holes and supernovas could be energy level. That is high enough, that Higgs boson has time to make spin. If Higgs boson spins. That thing makes the revolution in physics. 

But there is the possibility that the energy level that allows Higgs boson spin exists only in black holes. And if that spin of Higgs boson happens only in black holes. There is no way to get information about that thing from outside the event horizon. 

Image: ScitechDaily

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