Wednesday, June 28, 2023

A black hole and how it interacts with its environment?

The lifecycle of the black hole is one of the most interesting things in the world. The upper image could introduce the black hole's lifecycle and ability to exchange information with its environment. When a black hole forms after a supernova explosion, it will close information behind the event horizon. 

When a black hole vaporizes it releases information. That is stored in it during its birth. So the lifecycle of a black hole is like a tube where information travels. That tube is the event horizon. And when a black hole evaporates or turns to wave movement it releases that information. 

In the beginning, the supernova forms a bubble that acts like a vacuum bomb. The extremely high energy level pushes all other quantum fields away from the point. Where the star has been before. When those quantum fields return and try to fill that quantum vacuum, they press the Higgs field to the structure that looks like a hill. 

The lower image could tell how the gravity and Higgs field are forming a hill-looking structure in the 2D field model. The problem with black hole interaction is that all quantum fields can interact only with similar quantum fields. All quantum fields or fundamental interactions have similar wave-particle duality. All four fundamental interactions (strong, and weak nuclear force, electromagnetism, and probably gravitation)  have transportation particles and wave-form. 

Gravitation transportation particle graviton is not confirmed yet. Those interactions have different wavelengths. And that means they interact very easily with other similar fundamental interactions. But things like electromagnetism have only weak interactions with other interactions like wean nuclear force. 

And that means there is some missing field that forms black holes. Gravitation is like a structure that interacts with that unknown field and pumps energy to it. The outcoming energy keeps the energy hill in one piece and pumps energy to that pillar. If there is no outcoming energy that pillar collapses immediately. 

The black hole is like a bubble. Interactions between its halo and environment form the situation where the holo pumps energy waves into the black hole. The energy that travels in the singularity forms a standing wave at some point in the black hole. And when the energy level of that standing wave turns strong enough it can push energy out from the black hole. 

That energy forms the famous gravitational waves. The point where that energy reflects is speculative. The thing is that when energy travels out from the black hole, that stops the energy pump in the black hole. And those gravitational waves are evidence that energy travels out from the black hole and that energy is the thing that destroys the black hole. 

The Higgs field is a similar electromagnetic field to other electromagnetic fields. That field should oscillate similar way as other wave movements. But the problem is how to measure that frequency. The only known interaction with other fields and the Higgs field is the Higgs boson, which is an extremely short-term particle. But there is the possibility that in a black hole energy level is high enough that in that extreme object can form the static Higgs boson. 

There is the possibility that the black hole is sending other wave frequencies, than gravitation. And maybe those yet unidentified frequencies are the wave movement in the Higgs field. And could the mythical Hawking's radiation be the wave movement in Higgs field? 

Black holes send gravitational waves. That means that black holes are changing the wavelength of other quantum fields. So that thing acts like the amplifier. When energy impulses from outside are falling through the event horizon they continue their journey to the black hole's core, where they reflect and form gravitational waves. The point where that reflection happens is in the middle of singularity or on its shell.  

There is the possibility that the black hole's singularity is not perfectly slight. The quantum fields are so close to that point where time, space, and material are forming entirety that interactions between fundamental forces are possible. But the problem is that those interactions have so different wavelengths than the Higgs field that they cannot pump energy in it, and that causes the Higgs field leaks out from the black hole. 

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There is the possibility that gravity is energy flow between two particles or dimensions.

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