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What connects the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and Artemis programs?

SETI and Aretemis are the most well-known space programs. SETI searches for alien civilizations. And Artemis plans to return to the Moon. The thing is that both of those programs are platforms or forums. Their purpose is far bigger than just sending some astronauts to the moon. In the Artemis program, NASA and its companies are developing new types of space technology, like moon shuttles.

Zero-emission vehicles allow astronauts to operate comfortably on the Moon Similar vehicles with airlocks and other capacities can also operate underwater or at the bottom of the ocean. Those kinds of systems are offering new possibilities for many missions, both scientific and military. Also, those underwater systems can be used to fix offshore oil platforms.

Things like miniature tooth implants that can monitor stress and blood pressure are also interesting tools. They can replace old-fashioned microphones. And basically, those implants can use resonance to transmit information to the ears. The user of those systems must have the right to turn them off.

The intelligent tooth implants can be connected to a mobile telephone, and through that thing, the system can be connected to the internet. Or they can cooperate with BCI implants, and along with genetically engineered, microchip-controlled macrophages, those systems can also clean the blood vessels and destroy bacteria.

Moon shuttle

Radio telescope

Zero-emission vehicles



Those vehicles can operate autonomously. Or humans can operate them by sitting on wheels or using remote-control robots. Or, in some visions, human-looking robots can drive vehicles on the moon's surface or underwater and deliver equipment to astronauts. Those robots can also participate in possible rescue missions if some astronauts are in trouble.

The SETI program allows astronomers, other scientists, and R&D specialists to make systems that can detect and isolate very weak radio signals. Those AI-based systems need the ability to detect and isolate artificial signals, and if those signals are captured, the system must break its code. This means SETI is one of the best forums to develop quantum calculations and quantum technology. We must remember one thing. Serious SETI with a scientific basis is quite a new thing.

Things like open UFO research began just a couple of years ago. And the thing that makes UFOs embarrassing is that their operators are missing. If Chinese or Russians are behind those mystery planes, Mr. Putin would have already told us that. Some of those UFOs are small, and the reason why some people believe that they are extraterrestrials is their flight time. But by using electric jet engines, small nuclear reactors, or remote electric supply, which means radio-wave-based electric delivery through the air, there is also the possibility that humans can make that thing.


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