Tuesday, August 29, 2023

A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars.

  A new observation about WR or Wolf-Rayet stars is that they can transform into magnetars. 

The magnetars and WR stars are things that interest fusion developers. The high-energy blue stars can give tips on how to keep high-energy plasma steady in fusion reactors. The WR stars can also give tips for making new types of plasma-based magnets that can be used to control plasma in fusion reactors. 

Wolf-Rayet stars are blue supergiants formed of helium. The Wolf-Rayet stars are extremely strong magnetic fields and they are extremely hot. There is a model that some magnetars, lightweight neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields can have origin as Wolf-Rayet stars. When magnetic power lines of Wolf-Rayet stars are traveling around its core magnetic fields harvest energy. Mainly that energy comes from WR star. But some part of that energy comes from WR Star's entirety. 

In this model is a possibility, that the magnetic field around the WR star becomes more and more powerful. And it can press the plasma of the WR star into the magnetar. In that model, the magnetic field acts like a powerful press. A powerful magnetic field crushes the WR star into a neutron star. In that model, the transformation of the WR star into magnetar doesn't always require a supernova explosion. 

"This artist’s impression shows HD 45166, a massive star recently discovered to have a powerful magnetic field of 43,000 gauss, the strongest magnetic field ever found in a massive star. Intense winds of particles blowing away from the star are trapped by this magnetic field, enshrouding the star in a gaseous shell as illustrated here. Credit: ESO/L. Calçada" (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

"This artist’s impression illustrates how, in a few million years, HD 45166 will explode as a very bright, but not particularly energetic, supernova. During this explosion, its core will contract, trapping and concentrating the star’s already daunting magnetic field lines. Credit: NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/P. Marenfeld/M. Zamani". (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

"This artist’s impression illustrates the ultimate fate of HD 45166 after its core has collapsed, resulting in a neutron star with a magnetic field of around 100 trillion gauss — the most powerful type of magnet in the Universe. Credit: NOIRLab/AURA/NSF/P. Marenfeld/M. Zamani". (ScitechDaily/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

But normally WR stars will explode when they turn into magnetars. The high-power radiation decreases the mass of the WR star very fast. And that means the origin of the WR star could be a very large star. But high power radiation can increase its mass very fast. And that means its fate could be different than predicted. 

"New findings centered on observations and stellar evolution models of a hot, helium-rich Wolf-Rayet star suggest that it is set to produce a magnetar when it undergoes a supernova explosion. These findings present a deeper understanding of the formation process of magnetars, which are considered the most magnetic entities in the Universe". "(ScitechDaily.com/Magnetic Destiny: How a Wolf-Rayet Star Might Morph Into a Magnetar)

WR star is an extremely hot, blue helium star. The high energy radiation in that star pushes quantum fields around it away. That causes a situation. Where energy starts to flow out from WR star faster than usual. And that causes the expansion of the WR star. Expansion decreases the power of the nuclear reaction. That decreases the radiation pressure. And the quantum field drops back in. And that thing increases energy production. That cycle causes rings around the WR star. 




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