Thursday, August 24, 2023

Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force.

 Fermilab scientists are close to finding the fifth force.

There is a possibility that the fifth force is separated from all known fundamental interactions. But there is another model that also makes sense. In that model, the fifth force is the combination of four fundamental interactions. The model is conducted from a model where the researchers can connect things like electromagnetism and weak nuclear forces to electro-weak forces.

The idea of that model is that all fundamental interactions have the same source. That thing can be a hypothetical graviton, which transmits energy to gluons. Then gluons transmit energy to quarks, and quarks share that energy with quark groups which are protons and neutrons. Then those quark groups send wave molecules into electron orbitals.

So when an energy impulse travels through a bigger particle, like when a gluon sends an energy impulse to a quark, that bigger particle transforms the wavelength of that wave movement. That means the hypothetical graviton would be before the gluon. The graviton would be an extremely small, high-energy object that sends wave movements with a very high frequency. And because the wavelength of the gravity waves is so short and the height of those waves is so low, those waves are hard to detect.

In some models, there are superstrings between those gravitational waves. Those strings are pushing those waves away from each other. It is also possible that there is no space for other wavelengths between those gravitational waves.

Expansion of the universe. 

Standard model of particle physics. 

That means there is probably an electromagnetic vacuum or low pressure between those waves. And those small vacuum areas are what cause the pulling effect of gravitation. The radiation that travels to gravitational centers just pulls objects with it.

So if it is possible to create an energy level that is high enough that it can connect all fundamental forces into one string, that string has such a high energy level that it pushes all other quantum fields away from it.

The idea of the fifth force is simple. There is an idea that the base of all four fundamental forces is one force that splits into gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces, and electromagnetism. All known fundamental forces are wave movements. The transmitter particle called the boson, sends wave motion, which means every fundamental force has its wavelength and frequency.

So the transmitter particle's size determines the wavelength of the fundamental interaction. And because gravitation is an interaction, that means it also has the transmitter particle, the hypothetical graviton. The idea of the fifth force is that theoretically, it is possible to lens all four known interactions into one point.

And that thing should push all wave motions into one entirety. But pushing all wave moments or fundamental interactions into one entirety requires lots of energy. That energy level existed somewhere before quark-gluon plasma formed. So if there is so much energy that it can form the entirety of the fundamental interactions that form "lightning" or the superstring, where all fundamental interactions are the entirety, and the energy level of that entirety is so high that it sweeps all other quantum fields away from it, then the superstring that forms the fifth force, which is the entirety of all known forces, makes a hole in spacetime.

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