Thursday, August 24, 2023

Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system.

  Manipulating systems requires complete information about the system.

Finally, the genome on the Y chromosome is mapped. And that paves the way for new gene therapy. So if we want to give gene therapy, we must know exactly what each base pair in DNA makes. And that's why mapping the human genome is important.

Also, if we want to manipulate an animal's behavior, we must have complete information on how axons work. The researchers created the first image of working axons. And that is the route to a complete understanding of neural systems. The ability to control the nervous system is important for things like neurochips.

The neurochip is a tool that uses living neurons for higher operations, and those neurons interact with microchips. That should make computers even more powerful and flexible. Also, things like BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) require complete knowledge about axons and their functions.

Researchers controlled the C. elegans worm's behavior. And produced mRNA molecules.

The breakthrough in modeling the nervous system and genetics makes it possible to control simple animal behaviors. And that thing makes it possible to turn bacteria and some other parasites against each other. The MIT scientists cracked the code that controls the C. elegans worm's nervous system and made it behave differently.

That thing can make a big advance in medicine. The ability to control this worm's behavior can make it destroy non-wanted tissues. In those visions, manipulated worms will inject themselves into blood vessels. And they just find the target by following certain chemical signals.

That thing can be used to control things like bugs. The new way to control and limit the population of insect pests could be to deny their ability to make descendants. And the most effective way would be to just deny their copulation. Another way to limit the population of insect pests is to make those bugs eat their eggs. That thing turns those animals into "werewolves" against each other.

Another very interesting advance is that Japanese researchers produced the mRNA molecules. mRNA molecules are things that can reprogram cells. In some visions, the synthetic mRNA molecules are used to program bacteria to create antibiotics against each other. The mRNA molecules also play a key role in the visions where cells are reprogrammed in genome therapy. Genome therapy is one of the most advanced therapies that can be used to fix damaged genomes.

The thing is that mRNA can be used to make cells produce things like antibiotics and new biomaterials. That thing can be the breakthrough in all areas where bioengineering is used. Synthetic mRNA molecules can change the behavior of cells. Manipulated cells can be used to make medicines, fuel, and many other things, like synthetic organs.

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