Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The next-generation ion engines can use extremely bright light to ionize gas.

 The next-generation ion engines can use extremely bright light to ionize gas. 

Quasiparticles are the next-generation tools for extremely bright lights. 

Wikipedia determines a quasiparticle like this: "In condensed matter physics, a quasiparticle is a concept used to describe a collective behavior of a group of particles that can be treated as if they were a single particle. Formally, quasiparticles and collective excitations are closely related phenomena that arise when a microscopically complicated system such as a solid behaves as if it contained different weakly interacting particles in vacuum." (Wikipedia, Quasiparticle)

Some of the quasiparticles are extremely short-living "particle-type energy fields". Or otherwise saying. Quasiparticle is a phenomenon that acts like particles. Researchers are interested in quasiparticles like Majorana fermions because they offer the possibility to make error-resistant quantum computers. 

But one version of quasiparticles is skyrmion. The ring-shaped power field where the positive pole and negative pole are one after one. When those positive and negative poles impact, that causes energy flash. The system can use that kind of energy to make extremely powerful flashes of light. Those flashes of light can used for high-power lasers and ion technology with multiple civil and military applications. 

"Scientists studied the unique properties of quasiparticles in plasmas by running advanced computer simulations on supercomputers available through the European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking. They propose using quasiparticles to create light sources as powerful as the most advanced ones in existence today, but much smaller. Credit: Bernardo Malaca. (ScitechDaily.com/Harnessing Quasiparticles: The Next Wave of Super-Bright Light Sources)

The image above is a cutaway drawing of Mars planet. But it could introduce the plasma ion engine's chamber. 

The plasma travels in that "combustion" chamber like this. The laser beam travels through the plasma and puts it into a whirl. 

Io engines and powerful lasers can use extremely powerful light flashes to create laser beams and ionize gas. 

In some models, laser rays can be used to create plasma in ion engines. That kind of ion engine has a chamber that has a certain form. The blower blows air or some other gas in that chamber. And then laser ray that shot through that chamber will put that gas whirling. The whirl pushes the craft forward. And that kind of engine can be the reason why some so-called UFOs seem to hang on some kind of laser beam. 

The extremely powerful flashes of light can ionize gas themselves. And researchers can use that kind of technology in the next-generation ion engines. In powerful plasma-ion engines, the cold gas will be ionized. And then the system will drive that gas backward. That system is like an electromagnetic blower.

In cold ion engines, the system just shoots the electrons away from the atoms. The system shoots ions against a shield or "sail". And in that case, the system will not heat the gas.  And because the engine uses cold gas. It's hard to detect. The idea of this kind of engine is simple. The engine system is connected to the aircraft's body. 

When the ion system pulls gas backward in two acceleration lines. When ions with the same polarity impact each other. Some of them jump forward. And in those cold ion engines, the idea is that cold ions travel forward and impact the chamber's forward wall. Move the plane or craft forward. 

Another purpose of those quasiparticles could be an extremely powerful laser system. In those systems, the quasiparticles pump energy to the laser elements. 

The difference between antimatter and quasiparticles is that the quasiparticles are not so dangerous. The bright light that those quasiparticles create can used to turn even laser rays away from the target. 



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